Thursday, December 10, 2009

Intermediate foundation ballet?

Im 13 and im going to hopefully start ballet again after doing about 5 years of ballet and stoping for about 3 years.

My mum has just rung up a ballet school and they said i would be in a intermediate foundation class and possibly moving up to beginner pointe in a few terms, if i was up to speed.

I was just wondering what kind of moves you do in intermediate foundation, like what things are you required to be able to do.

Thanks, lots of info please. :)

Intermediate foundation ballet?sheet music

pointe is included in intermediate foundation and to do with "moves" you have to wait and see..there are lots but you have to know that the exams for vocational grades are very hard and most people fail the first time


Intermediate foundation ballet?state theatre opera theater

Typically intermediate involves most ballet steps integrated into combinations that are challenging to the dancer, but not overly difficult. Just remember (sry for spelling) plies, tendu, (petit and grand) battement, frappes, and basic jumps. Most things you can just watch the teacher and will pick right up. Good luck, have fun. I hope I helped ( :
Most intermediate classes involve barre that includes (sorry for the spelling) plies, tendus, randegams, frappes, degashes, batmas, and you will also work on strengthening your calves and ankles so it is easier to go on pointe. In center you will work on grade jetes, sodashas, piques, arebesques, gilesas, padashas, sutenues, and many other basic steps. But intermediate classes take it to the next level. The use the basic steps learned in beginning ballet, and put them into intricate combinations across the floor, using transitional steps like tombe pada bou rae to make it flow. The main goal of the class is to master the basics so when you go on demi point (beginning pointe) it will be very easy for you, and you can learn harder steps like fortes and Italian fortes. I'm sure you'll do very well! Good Luck! :)
Dancers at this level already have developed a basic foundation of the steps used in ballet such as the plie and fondu. At the intermediate level the ballet master is able to work more with arm movement and combination moves away from the ballet barre. You will also start some pre-pointe work which are simply strenghthing exercises to prepare you to dance in pointe shoes.
I'm also 13, and in Ballet, Grade 5 and En Pointe. Stopping ballet for three years..You may find yourself quite behind...Especially for Int.Foundation.

Pointe is quite hard you might need to take a year of Ballet again, before getting back into it.

Int.Foundation is much like Grade 5 Exam, and most moves are basic.

How many ballet classes a week should i be doing to help me get into a ballet school?

such as the royal ballet/ english national ballet/rambert schools when i am 16.

should i be doing other types of dance too?

what are all the types of dance i should be doing and how often should i be doing them?

How many ballet classes a week should i be doing to help me get into a ballet school?headache


It would help to have more old are you now, how many classes a week are you taking now, are you studying at a reputable school with professional or degreed teachers? I would be happy to help you if I had more information. I have danced professionally and have been teaching for many years.

How many ballet classes a week should i be doing to help me get into a ballet school?paramount theater opera theater

Do you have a specific school in mind? Sometimes they have requirements on their website. I'd say at least 2-4 classes a week but I'm not too sure
Hi, although I'm not a dancer I figure that I can quite easily answer this question for you. I am a martial artist and amatuer gymnast.

When it comes to how many classes a week should you be doing, I believe that you should do as much as possible. If you can do at least one per day plus strength training and practice in your own time. Like I tell people all the time when they ask me what the best exercises to do to punch better, if you want to get good at punching... punch... It would be the same with anything including ballet.

Also doing other forms of dance would help you to increase your range to draw from and to help you to stop from getting bored in training the same things over and over again, but just remember that they are not your focus and don't let them take up too much time or your ballet may suffer instead of being improved.

So if you want it and you want it bad, work as hard as you can on it, if you want it bad enough and practice hard enough you can have it.
if you are already dancing and wish to continue into a more advanced level, then you should already know this answer. if not, then you won't make it. 5-6 classes per week.
A minimum of 5 90 minute ballet classes/week plus 2 1hour pointe classes - MORE IS BETTER. You might consider a Jazz or Modern class just for something different. You should know this by now....ask your teachers. You are aiming VERY high for dance education. Make sure you have the talent, motivation and training from the very best dance studio in your area, and prepare for disappointment. Eat a balanced diet, stay injury free. Competition for school slots and ballarina jobs is murderous.
do as much classes as you can and also different types of dance ; it would be great if you could dance for at least 4-5 hours a day (classical ballet every day!)
you should probally be doing at least 14 hrs. and you should do ballet and pointe.

Boy in ballet?

At lunch, me and my friend were arguing in the washroom about whether or not it's a good idea to put a boy in ballet. I said it'd be very cool and trendy, but my friend said that it's gonna turn the kid gay. And then she said that her future kid, Fat Hank was gonna beat up my future kid who will be in ballet. So what do you think? About putting a boy in ballet?

Boy in ballet?plays

I bet her future son, Fat Hank, wouldn't be able to catch your son even to beat him up. If you put him in ballet he will become very physically fit and get to hang around girls a lot. Is that gay?

Boy in ballet?opera ticket opera theaterit depends on ballet in a tutu or ballet in tights. Report It

well if the boy asked to be in ballet, why not? Plus, if he's gay-he was born that way-ballet ain't gonna turn him gay! If he's straight-think of the boy to girl ratio-he'll get lots of dates lol!
Hey if the boy likes it then he should go for it! It wont' turn him gay.......poeple might judge him but who cares what other people think
My brother did ballet and it helped him find girls to talk to. Quite the opposite of gay. And I dont think you can "turn" gay, I think you are born that way.
Ok, your friend is an cannot "turn someone gay." You are gay or your aren't. I have several gay friends and none of them took ballet. I also have some lesbian friends who never played hockey.

I wouldn't put my kid in ballet (male or female) unless they expressed an interest in it. Children are not fashion symbols and doing something with your child to be trendy is just as dumb as thinking you can make someone gay.
i think its cute for little boys, maybe teaches them sensitivity. Not so much for older boys though, sorry
My daughter takes Jazz, Tap and Ballet and there is a boy in her Jazz and Tap and he's in a different ballet class. I see nothing wrong with it at all. You would never look at this boy and think there is anything feminine about him, in fact he has a stocky build. The ballet program here doesn't have enough boys so when they have a production, like Swan Lake, they tap into the local high school wrestling and football teams. Those guys do great in the productions and I doubt that anyone would question their masculinity! It comes down to this, if it's something your future son would like to do, then let him do it! Try it out when he's young, he'll either take to it or not, it's important to let kids try several different things so they can find the things they enjoy and are good at.

P.S.- There is one teenage boy that is in ballet, and I've seen him around the girls and he is very flirty with them, and they seem to like him too, in fact he probably has more luck with girls than most of his friends!
i was in ballet and boys were in my class yes i'm a girl but my friend is a boy and in ballet and he is not gay
Eh...just tell her her future kid is going to get beat up plenty with the name Fat Hank.
at least your kid can outrun the fat hank
i think that it would be a good idea to put a boy in ballet because it build his coordination and physical strength. Male ballerinas are extremely strong and very buff and good looking.
Putting a child in a certain type of class (like dance or theatre or art) or allowing them to play with a certain type of toy is not going to "turn them gay." You can't "turn" a person gay. They either are gay or's not something you can's a part of who they are inside. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a boy taking a dance class if it is something he is interested in. He will learn something about music, improve his coordination and become more cultured and well-rounded.
I think putting a boy in a ballet is perfectly fine.

If he shows interest in dancing, then let him go!

You can't "turn" a kid gay anyway. It's an innate feeling.

And of course it's possible that there will be people who will make fun of him and laugh, but there are plenty of male dancers!

As long as he wants to dance, why not let him?
I think you need a new friend! Not only does your friend seem to believe that people 'turn' gay, but she seems to think that's not a desirable thing, and seems to think that violence solves problems. Lots of football player take ballet; is her future son going to beat up NFL players, too?
Well, for sure it won't "Turn him gay". There is no such thing. People might talk about him, so you take him to karate on alternate days and teach him how to kick their a$$es. That is easy enough.
ballet does not make someone gay.

let the kid pick what activities to join.

for a well-rounded child, i'd say ballet/gymnastics/figure skating and basketball/baseball/track.
If that's what he enjoys, then sobeit. I have a friend who's son is in ballet. People have said things, but then again, don't they always? I seriously doubt it would "make him gay!"
What wrong with that. I see MEN in ballet class all the time. There all over the stages and belong to ballet academys. They started somewhere. They started as a boy in ballet. If you want a different spin on ballet. Try gymnastics. When the boys grow into men they are very bulit and strong. And they learn cool flips to ''show off'' at school. They get ''nice'' abs. :P
I think it's great. Both gay men and straight men are ballet dancers so no, dancing won't make him gay. That's just ignorance speaking and I would ignore it.

Why do we tell little girls they can do anything a boy can do but we neglect to tell little boys they can do anything a girl can do. It goes both ways. We need to give our sons the same encouragement we give our daughters.
gay, gay, gay, gay ,gay

lol sorry but its true
u guiiz r so jkz! of cous dis lil boii iz gon bee gay! LOLLOLOLOLZZ!!

lyk, ur lyk, born that way. LOLOLOLOL!!!LOLO!11
My daughters were in dance classes for years and they would have a recital each spring. There were a couple boys amongst the hundreds of girls and every time they came on stage there would be lots of whispers and giggles throughout the crowd. There would be comments made about them being gay or gay in training. I thought it was cruel but could not be avoided if you put your son in that situation.

I need ballet tips!!!!?

So, I haven't taken ballet in about three years and want to start again in the Autumn. I really need to get my flexibility and strength back. I also need to prepare for pointe because I had an evaluation about two weeks ago and the teacher said I needed more strenth in my ankles than I would be ready. Does any one have sugestions for stretches, strength excerscises and other ballet related things. (Stretches can inclube a ballet barre, I have one)

I need ballet tips!!!!?ms stress

I'm a ballet dancer, too. here are some stretches for strength and flexibility:

Flexibility: - Find an open area of wall. Lay down on your

back and put your butt up against the wall. Put

your legs in a straddle and hold it for 3-5 minutes.

- Put the soles of your feet together while sitting on

the ground and bend forward.

- Lay down on your stomach and put the soles of

your feet together. Hold for about 2-3 minutes.

Strength: - Lay on your back and put your hands behind your

head. Use your stomach to lift sit halfway up. Do

this repeatedly to the beat of a fairly fast song.

- Put your feet under a low couch or have them held

by a friend. Lay on your stomach and put your

arms in fifth. Use your back to lift yourself off the

ground. Hold for 4 counts for 7 times; hold for 8

counts on your eighth set.

Pointe: - One word: theraband! You can buy them at

Walmart. Flex and point your toes with the band

around your arches.

Hope I helped! :)

I need ballet tips!!!!?home theater system opera theater

to work on flexibility you need to have every second you have be used on stretching.

first i would estimate how far away you are from your splits...then pile up some pillows that meet that estimate...and do your splits on them. this takes the strain off your arms and focusses purly on your stretching.

for your ankles:

therabands therabands therabands!

do some ankle rolls with it.

and also just start with your foot flat and then pointe it slowly...going from demi pointe to full with the theraband on the ball of your foot.
Make sure you stretch EVERY SINGLE DAY! Do it in the morning after you wake up for 20 minutes then at night before you go to sleep for another 20 minutes. To help strengthen your feet, ankles, and calves for pointe try doing calf raises: stand on a stair with half of your foot on and the back half of your foot off. Bring your heels as far down as they will go but keeping the front half of your foot on the stair. SLOWLY raise them up and stand on your toes. SLOWLY bring them back down. Repeat 20 times. Then do it on just one foot then on the other another 20 times each.

Also, sit on the ground with your legs stretched straight in front of you. Keeping your heels on the ground, stretch your toes as far as they will go, trying to touch the ground too. That will help your arch a lot.

How many ballet classes a week?

Ok, so I'm 13 years old and I would like to start ballet in the fall. I've only done jazz and tap when I was 7-8 for 2 years and ballet for like half a year when I was 4. My dream is to do pointe, so if thats possible, how many ballet classes should I be taking/week to be able to go en pointe eventually. Thanks!!:)

How many ballet classes a week?binoculars

people usually do about 2-3 classes a week.. in order to get to pointe. i did this for 6months and i go onto pointe but it varys from ur people to pepole according to their feet and ankle strenght and arch!

How many ballet classes a week?violin opera theater

I used to take a 45 minute lesson per week and I was on pointe within 6 months
I'm also 13 and I am in Grade 5 Ballet and I've done Jazz for 7 years and Tap for 4 years or so before I quit. I still do Jazz and Ballet though. I started Pointe 7 months ago, and I take 2 ballet classes a week and one hour pointe class a week.
i have been in dance for 5 years w/ two classes a week (1.5 hours each so 3 hours a week......still no pointe
i to am 13, i teach 1 class a week and i say that probably you should take maybe 3-5 classes a week. but check with the studio. I take pointe classes, its my 4th year, but i am a late bloomer because my ankles were not strong enough. the more ballet classes you take will help your ankles be stronger.

hope this helps!
ive done ballet since i was 2. im also 13. in 4th grade i did 2 hours. then last year we did 3 hours of ballet plus 1 hour of pointe. this year we do 2 hours of ballet and 2 hours of pointe. we do the same things in pointe that we do in ballet. so if you wanna do pointe good luck cause its much harder than ballet and you havnt even started ballet yet. take atleast one hour everyday of the week includeing the weekend.
I'd say at least 2-3 hours of ballet a week, but if you wanna strengthen faster you should probably do 4-5 hours.

Ok what's with all these people giving us their life stories. The question was how many ballet classes a week she should take. We don't care how old you are, what level your in or how many hours a week you take classes. Sorry for that rant but it's really bothering me lately.
like 4-5 hours and you'll be one pointe faster and be stronger

Ballet: does anyone know any good ballet tutorial video links?

Something to help you with ballet.

Ballet: does anyone know any good ballet tutorial video links?performing arts center

They have pretty good videos.

Ballet: does anyone know any good ballet tutorial video links?sunshine opera theater

no but i'm goin to the ballet next week. i giot it for my girlfriend as a valentines thing and don't tell anyone but i'm actually looking forward to it a bit....
Google search..
Does this help;_ylt=A...

a friend x
if you search on youtube there are good ones or go to ballet class's

Ballet Flats??

What can ballet flats go with, for example bermuda shorts and a tank or jeans?? And what types of tops can go with flats?? If anyone has pictures of styles with ballet flats then thats great

Ballet Flats??opera score

Tunic tops and Flats look great! Really you can wear flats with anything... Pick up a US Weekly, Star, Glamor magazine... And you will see some cute combinations!!

Ballet Flats??musicals opera theater

Who cares what anybody else thinks...what do YOU think looks good with them?
Anything can go with flats, but casual looks better. I like the look of bermudas or capris with a form fitting collared tee.
They go with just about anything. Besides heels, I wear my ballet flats the most out of all my summer shoes.
They look nice with jeans and a baby T or even a tank top, yeah you could pull it off with shorts and a layered look, that would be cute too.
I wear ballet flats with anything; skirts, capris, etc. You can wear them with any shirt as long as it's cute.
with everything
They go with anything and everything.
yeahh bermuda shorts are good. also with jeans. girls at my school wear them with pretty much anything.
Ballet flats look great with anything and everything. They are great for casual wear

The article here is informative -
Although I don't have any pictures of people with ballet flats and outfits I decided to create an example outfit of what you might wear with ballet flats.

outfit #1:

(just shorts)

You can wear ballet flats with long shorts, jeans, dresses, and skirts, the only thing that's a no no is short shorts and ballet flats, your legs distract from the flats.
I think miniskirts are good. I'm not sure about jeans, just imagine . . ., it'd make you look kind of short, which is ok if you are tall. Maybe not shorts. I am sticking with miniskirts, even if I don't wear them myself.
basically, anything.

if you want to see a HUGE collection of all types of flats, look at the French Sole store. I've been there w/friends and we got so many pairs!


they look particularly good with capri length gouchos.

Ballet...perfect body shape?

okay so another question about ballet. Someone, as in this real meal little brat in my ballet class told me that only small petite girls make Good ballerinas. I weigh about 105 pounds maybe 107 and I know that's not alot but I'm five-eight and she told me I was too tall to even think about it as a career, not that I am I do it becuse I LOVE are any ballerinas tall and does it really matter? Just curoise as well thanx

Ballet...perfect body shape?greek theater

Hey! dont listen to a jerk like that! I do ballet too and i am the same weight and height and I am a fine dancer and im sure you are too! Some of the best dancers in the company at my dance school are beautiful long and lean dancers. Don't let anyone get you done.

and i also have a brat in my class and she is really fat and is stuck up and tells me im bad at ballet but i ignore her!

Ballet...perfect body shape?performing arts show opera theater

It doesn't matter if you're tall or not. Ballerinas are chosen based on their talent, not their bodies. sound what if your tall....I'm sure there are pros as tall as you. And besides, your just having fun right? She just wants to make you feel bad, don't listen to her. Maybe she's even jealous lol. Are you by any chance better at ballet then her? Even if you aren't though, you can be. Whenever I start feeling as if maybe I don't belong in the class I'm in, I remember I was put in the class for a reason and that I have as much potential as the best person in the class. Don't give up and don't let her intimidate you. HAVE FUN!!!
Unfortunatelly the reality is that a 5'8" ballerina will have to work much harder to "make it".

Think about it. Others want to make you feel good. Do you want to feel good for a half hour, or take a path for the rest of your life where you will be at least honest with yourself? How many prima donna positions in the US? How about the world? Now think about how many 6 year old girls are starting out today to dance, and how many have been doing it for the last decade?

Ballerinas are chosen for their body frame, weight, and height, just as much as their abilities.

I know you did not want to hear this. The problem doesn't rest with that you are too tall, but that male dancers are "too short". More precisely, at an average of 5'9" you would be almost "towering" over the male dancer.

You have to figure that these young males have to lift you - and still be dancing. So most Companies look for sub 5'8" and below 100#.

An other concern the Company might have with your tall frame is that you may gain weight faster then a smaller frame.

However painful this is, and you may not believe it - this is reality.

I suggest looking into modern dance instead of classical. Having a solid classical training of course, is definitely a plus.
dont listen to that brat, she is just telling you that to boost her self esseam, your fine, height has nothin to do with your possibilities, your technique and passion are worth more- if you are so concerned, talk to your teacher, also dont think you need to on a diet, and please, dont become anorexic, i see anorexic dancers everyday and they dont have the strength to take and hour class. Another way to see how healthy you are is by calculating you Body Mass Index (BMI) just google bmi calculator and it will give you a number about how much of your body is fat, and how much is mussle, dancers need lots muscle, and mussle ways more than fat, so weight dosent always tell everything.
go back and smack her in the face. my friend is 5,8 and is a great dancer. you are not heavy smack her, smack her, smack her!!!
She's probably just jealous because you're better than her and she feels threatened by you. If you LOVE it keep doing it and tell her to kiss you a**! She just wants to get to you that's all. Don't let her.
It is true that being shorter is an advantage in general, but some ballet companies prefer taller. I think I've heard of the one in Boston. It really depends on the company and who do they have as soloists. You have to fit in with the rest of the troupe. Or maybe you'll be one of the soloists - that means the rest will hav eto fit in with you. Ignore the little brat. If she has to pull this kind of stuff on you that means she thinks you are a better dancer and she wants to demoralize you.
If you love the dance, who cares how tall you are? Part of being a great dancer is the "passion" for it. Wouldn't it be great to see you "the tall beautiful ballerina", as the Sugar Plum Fairy in the Nutcracker one day????? You can do it, never let the nay sayers bring you down. Keep moving forward and forget about that negative energy!
5'8" is on the tall side for a ballerina - but is NOT TOO TALL for a career, George Blanchine LOVED tall female dancers. 5'8" is a perfect height for corps de abllet and sollist dancers. That height is not to tall to dance pas de deux either. One of my first partners was 6' tall and weighed in at over 130 lbs. and we had NO problems dancing because she could jump - (whew). It also helped that I was over 6' tall and was a lean 195 lbs. (I could bench press 350lbs). Some shorter dancers are hard to handle particularly if they are compact and muscular and their male partner is really tall. Dancing a good pas de deux is based on a lot of things that are not measurable.

The bottom line is that if you have the feet, you will have the job....Good Luck to you and don't poopheads at your studio give you a hard time - particularly if they don't know what they are talking about....
I know A LOT of women who would KILL to be 5'8" and weigh 105. Too tall to dance ballet? PLUH-LEEEEZZZ!! This girl is obviously jealous of you and wants to discourage you. People like her shouldn't breed! ;~)

You keep dancing. Don't let what other people say about you take away from the enjoyment dancing gives you. Tall dancers are EVERYWHERE and in every type of dance.

Keep dancing and good luck! :)
boby type does not matter and i would think that the taller people would do better professionally, they normally do
Certain companies are picky and won't choose you because you're too tall. However, many now are going by your talent, not your looks. Keep it up!
You don't need a perfect body shape to be a ballerina. It does not matter how tall you are either. If anything it is probably a good thing. Not all ballerinas are tall, I am 14 and only 5'1" and I am a ballerina.. So it does not matter. Hope this helped!
You are absolutely fine just the way you are. There are many tall, successful ballerinas out there. Height doesn't really matter. Just ignore that brat. She's just trying to put you off, because she feels threatened. I wish i could name some tall successful ballerinas, because i have heard the names.. But i can't really remember. The only thing that matters is that you have good technique. If you're good enough to make people jealous of you, you're good enough to become a pro. Just keep practicing and don't let the other girls get you down. Just focus on you and your dancing. And remember, that you're better than that girl and if she's jealous enough to tell you that you can't become a professional dancer, then she must've compared herself to you and found that you were better. She's trying to out-dance you, but innocence is the key. Don't get into a fight with her. The next time she makes one of those mean comments, just tell her that you go to dance classes to dance, not to talk. If she says something after that, just ignore her.

Ballet training and general questions??

If ballet is done by a 15 year old female, 2 times a week, from absolute BEGINNER [the classes being an hour each so 2 hours in ballet class a week and more at home]...

---How long is it likely to take until they are able to go en pointe if they train/stretch at home a lot?

---How many hours each day should be spent training and stretching for maximun result without going over board and damaging the ankles, etc?

-thank you everyone =] !!

Ballet training and general questions??home theatre

Wow, beginner at 15 wanting pointe??

I was 3 when I started and I went on pointe at 12. I would give yourself a few years, because you REALLY need strong feet and ankles, which can only be developed through lots of hard work. I would say wait until you are 17 or 18, but you should ask your instructor, because she will really be able to judge when you are ready.

If you are really trying to power through the stages, I would recommend half an hour to a full hour of practice each day. If you wake up early every morning, it's great to get 15 - 30 minutes before school, shower, and then around 45 minutes after school.

If pointe is your goal, remember that stretching is important, but even more than flexibility you need strength in your legs and feet.

But your teacher will tell you all this and more, so good luck! :)

Ballet training and general questions??ballet theater opera theater

hi its all depends on you

im 14 and i started ballet 9 moths ago and only do it once a week for 1 hour mabe not even that but my teacher said that becuas ei had been practicing at home id gained strong ancles and i ws ready to go on pointe after 8 months
Haha! I asked this same question so many times before too! Well it took me, doing twice a week, 2 years to get en pointe! I have improved a lot now. I still think I should've waited a few more months to go on pointe. I would say take about 45 mins a day streching. Thats a good amount! Hope everything helps! Remember, pointe is painful and sometimes I miss the good ol' days when my toes weren't in constant pain.

Ballet shows?

What can you say about ballet shows?

How can you apply ballet in everyday life?

Ballet shows?palace theatre

Ballet is the great thing! it hepls with your every day life i would know i have been danceing fot 12 years, it hepls by it makes your stong and hepls yo keep your is all so a great way to get in shape!!!

Ballet shows?concert tickets opera theater

Watching ballet is like watching a moving painting. It can evoke strong emotions and make the audience think. It can manipulate the emotions of the audience so that they weep at the beauty of the movement or feel joy at the upbeat liveliness of the dance.

The patience and training of ballet are easily applied to everyday life. One must learn that achieving great things takes time. Ballerinas work for years to become adept. The patience, perseverance, and discipline they learn will help throughout many of life's struggles.
Ballet shows are awesome!

Ballet is used a lot in everyday life for me. It teaches dicipline, balance, flexibility, etc. It requires a lot of mind power in order to memorize combos.

Ballet into everyday life?

I am a ballerina and love to dance :)

I do classical ballet 3 times a week (4 hours)

Any tips on how to bring some of ballet out of the studio and into everyday life?

Also, I am taking a pre/beg. pointe we get pointe shoes?

Ballet into everyday life?regal theater

Well this is the schedule of a real basicly full time ballerina:

6:00am Wake up and get dressed

6:15 pull my hair into a tight bun

6:45 hit the cafeteria for bagels and fruit

7:20 it's early! science class.

8:10 we switch to the room acroos the hall for social studies

9:00 snack time

9:15 change into my leotard, tights, and ballet shoes

9:20 stretch before class in the studio [have one in ur basment- get a bar and some mirrors, make it a wooden floor]

9:30 with music from a piano player, we practice our jumps and tendus on the barre

11:00 call home during lunch. Hi mom!

11:30 back to the studio to practice our dance routines

1:30pm run back up to my room for a shower

2:15 math class followed by a snack break

4:05 English class

4:50 done! sometimes I go to a store with my frijends to get a snack before homework.

6:00 in the cafeteria for dinner

7:00 more homework

8:00 call home again to say good night to mom, dad, and my little sister

8:15 one more snack then I get ready for bed

9:00 Zzzzzzzzzzzzz

That's her life of a ballerina becuase she has to keep up with school work but they understand because she rly loves it and is able to fit it into her schedule! any wooden floors in your house are perect and open areas, get a barre and some mirrors to put around, ballet shoes, You can order online. Good luck!

Ballet into everyday life?performing art center opera theater

Your manners must be reflecting the elegance that you get from your ballet lessons. So you must be taking it into everyday life.

Plus ballet is the display of a beautiful body, I am sure you are proud of yours and people around you like looking at you.
You probaly wont get pointe shses for about 2-4 weeks after the class starts the teacher will have to make syre you are ready for pointe shoes and has to show you how to prprerly stretch so you dont hurt yourself
I started pre/beg pointe also a year ago, I started on what are called pre pointe shoes( there like pointe shoes but you can't go on to full pointe). It depends on where you dance they might have you use soft shoes or have you buy pre pointe shoes.

Also my ballet director recomendes not to buy pre pointe shoes/pointe shoes online

Ballet or American Football?

Do you think Ballet or American Football is harder work? I used to think that American Football was, but after I saw the movie, The Game Plan, Now I kind of think Ballet if harder work. What do you think?

Ballet or American Football?globe theater

Id have to go with ballet. All those painful positions held for quite a while. You need immense strength and stamina to be good at it.

American Football, you need to be tough. But, you need to be fit.

So, id say ballet it the harder to learn and perfect.

Ballet or American Football?oper opera theater

American Football by Far but maybe i am just saying that because i am a guy
both are very tough in different ways, Football is full contact, hard hitting and a lot of muscle work. There is a lot more attention to detail and quickness in ballet. I have a sister who does ballet, and I have played football.

I have to go with football
ballet is definitely harder work.
Woah, hmm Ballet is hmmm both hard
ballet is like ice skating you don't know what goes into it unless you follow the sport those people work out starting at birth
Ballet is tougher mentally and football is tougher physically..Over all think Ballet would take more work to achieve the level of greatness you seek.
How many ballet dancers have died or been paralized for the rest of their lives while performing or practicing as football has ?
I am sure they are both hard in their own ways. NFL players are way to big and bulky to do ballet. Ballet dancers would get killed in football. The two are way to different to compare.
I played football... not ballet. However, Hershel Walker ( great running back for Dallas/Minnesota) used ballet for training purposes for football, and swears by it.
I do ballet, and have never played football, but I have to say ballet is harder. I'm sure you have to have a lot of strength and stamina for football, but a lot of people underestimate how hard ballet actually is. It's way more than just putting on a pair of pointe shoes and floating across the stage. Its actually really tough. You have to have flexibility, strength, you have to be able to put up with pain, and the choreography, and many other things. I even had a gym teacher who is a football player/coach and when I told him that I do ballet, he said that he gives me a ton of credit because when he was playing football, he and some of his teammates took a few basic ballet classes and its very difficult.

Ballet and Homework Time?

hi i am 13 and i still do full time ballet since i was 5 and have not much time for homework. I do ballet mon, tues, wed, thus, sat, sun and do jazz fridays and i don't want to give any up what do i do?

Ballet and Homework Time?state theatre

i can quite relate to your problem as I'm going through almost the exact thing as you. what i do is I try to finish up as much homework as possible in school so that i don't go home with any. while warming up and waiting for classes to begin, i usually do my homework, at the same time, feeling the prolonged stretch of my muscles. try not to procastinate and make homework the first thing you do as soon as you reach home from school. then after that, you won't have to think about anything to do with your homework anymore. between classes in school, don't waste time and try to complete your work.

Ballet and Homework Time?theater opera theater

Hmm. Maybe try to take some with you for the car and in between classes.
you could try and fit it in any spare time you have - e.g before your classes and a bit after or if you have any spare time in school
Oh sweetie, your priorities are a little twisted. I applaud your dedication to your craft, but you need your education. If you're going to a performing arts high school or college they look at your test scores and grades before you're allowed to come in and audition. You need GEOGRAPHY to know how to get to the theatre you'll be performing in. You'll need MATH to count the money you'll make performing. You'll need READING to read the reviews of your performance. You'll need HISTORY to get a true understanding and appreciation for your craft. You should be fitting ballet into your homework not fitting homework into your ballet.
Your just going to have to get use to not sleeping but if you have been doing it that many years shouldnt you already know how to mangae your time?
Do what I did, wake up early to get it done. Or just copy someone elses work.
Hi there!

You could try make some time for homework, seeing as you are probably not dancing ALL night! So just before and after dancing, pick up some homework and do it, every night! And maybe even in the mornings if you have enough time! If that still doesn't help, you should ask your teacher if you could have one or two days off dancing, so that you can fit in your homework!

I hope that helped and good luck!


I have danced ballet for about 11 or so years, and will soon be an assistent to a ballet teacher with tendenides (sp?) in her hip. The kids will be from around 5 to 7 years old. I am very excited but very nervous. Can you give me some advice on what to do? Like, if the kids don't pay attention, or if the teacher doesn't show up, or anything like that. Thank you so very much!!!

Ballet!!?paramount theater

i am sure the teacher will show up! dont worry about that. But if you think she won't play some simple games with the kids like good toes bad toes

use this other question to help with that sort of thing:;...

if they aren't paying attention speak directly to them, don't get cross but for example if you're about to start an exersize say (for example mary) "Mary, are you ready to start?" make sure you don't get cross even though they can be tiresome they are young. But you have to be firm otherwise none of them will listen but make sure they enjoy themselves!

Good luck :D

Ballet flat help!!!?

i just got a pair of silver ballet flats. i also have some black ones. what colors are in. is silver? i think the silver really looks good on me but what do u think? guys: no stupid answers. i need some funner ballet flats. help!!!!!!!!!

Ballet flat help!!!?opera ticket

silver is def. in, so is gold. many metallic colors rather, but you can never go wrong with black and silver which match with almost every outfit - - you can go with polkadots they give a great touch to any solid outfit.

Ballet flat help!!!?pacific theater opera theater

Plaid ones are super popular now, and they're super cute! Um leopard print ones, or just bright colored ones in general would be in style but still different. If you like silver ones, stick to them! Who cares what other people think.
if you like the silver waer them i like them and they were in last summer
sorry i think you should have got black, black is ALWAYS in and at the moment silver is because its summer, but once fall comes they wont be...
to to they have cute canvas flats with super cute designs oh and the silver will be fine its not the shoe so much its what you wear with it.
silver!matches alot with everything ...also wear a big silver locket with the silver ones and that would look awesome!or a big beaded necklace with the black ones ....try yellow ,red,or even blue.....
Ballet flats are really cute in many colors, but somtimes the silver one are a little too flashy.

Try a pair like these:



Hope i helped!
I like the sound of the silver ones....Metallics are becoming very in and more GO FOR THEM!....but if you need funner ones, how about these: in any of the colors in any colors
Plaid ones are mostly in, but I would just say whatever matches your outfit.
Target has some really fun and inexpensive ones right now; here are a few of my favorites:

But silver is always great too!
If yu;re arnt too fond of your black ones get out a can of spraypaint. I did that to some beaten up ones and their great now!

Ballet for 8 years, quit for almost 2.. i was almost at company level and now i want to continue to

okay so im just trying to think about if this is possible. i want to get back into dance, ive kept up my flexibility but ive lost strength in my ankles and abs.. so i know i would need to take another ballet class or two before i go into prepointe then point?

how many years have you been in dance before you took point and did you take prepoint? what should i do to get a step ahead if i want to join ballet again in january?

Ballet for 8 years, quit for almost 2.. i was almost at company level and now i want to continue to pointe??home theater system

Since you've been off of pointe for two years, most likely you've lost most of the strength in your ankles, and jumping into a pointe class once you start in January is not a safe idea. In most cases, you should take at least a year of multiple ballet classes (3 or 4 a week) and a prepointe class... maybe even longer. To give yourself a head start before you begin classes, make sure to do crunches and plies/releves (100x, once a day, at least) to regain muscle mass that you have lost.

Ballet for 8 years, quit for almost 2.. i was almost at company level and now i want to continue to pointe??the grand theater opera theater

Well, i took dance for 8 yr. before i started pointe. a long, hard, fun 8 yr. No, i didn't take prepointe, but i do take cecchetti. It's basically formal ballett that teaches you decipline, gives you strength in all the nessacary muscles, and is a very good way to get the proper ballett technique!we had to take two years of that and pass the exam before taking pointe. I think you could start again, but you'll have to work very, very hard. Good luck!
I think after 2 years, you've lost alot of muscles and everything, so it wouldn't be safe to go right onto pointe. Maybe take Grade 4/5/6 or whatever the last 2 grades you were in and pass before taking pre-pointe or pointe.

Ballet Flats?

2 questions:

1.) Do ballet flats go with bootcut jeans?(skinny jeans look like crap on me.)

2.) Where can you find nice, well-fitting ballet flats for $50-$80?? Give me links please!!!

Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ballet Flats?violin

i got some from the gap their 40 dollars but their real nice i wear them almost every day

they come in a bunch of diff colors heres the link

hope i helped


Ballet Flats?chinese theater opera theater

No, and I don't know.
NO dont wear flats w/ boot cut jeans

They have tons of flats at DSW
Ballet flats go with absolutely everything. The problem is that you probably chose the wrong flats. You can get good flats for a great price at Sears, Walmart, Aldo, Le Chateau, Foot Locker or Yellows. Good luck.
1.) umm i wouldn't suggest wearing boot cut and flats. if skinnies don't quite flatter your body type, try straight leg! i personally wear both skinnies and straight but i get more compliments on the straight leg jeans.

2.) urban outfitters, payless, top shop, h%26amp;m

pretty much anywhere!

good luck =]

Ballet goal???

for independent PE at my school i need a goal for ballet...

can you give me a goal to work towards that is ballet-related?

Ballet goal???musicals

-doing splits in all directions

- balencing perfectly in relev茅

-doing a jump perfectly

-learning to spot


-perfect posture

Ballet goal???opera songs opera theater

Well, it depends on how well you are doing now. The most basic thing to work towards is to try and double, triple, quadruple, etc. your pirouettes. You could just perfect your splits. You could put every move you know into a fast, difficult dance sequence.
You want to have poise and grace, be flexible and strong in a beautiful way. I've danced for 7 years, and it all comes with practice. Hope that helps!!!!!
(~)get higher extensions (when you lift your leg up, like in arabesque or grande battemat)

(~)be able to do perfect splits and a strattle

(~)be able to sit on the floor in a pike (with your legs straight out in front of you) and point your feet so that your toes touch to the floor

(~)to be able to releve so high that you can go from standing flat-footed to rolling through your feet all the way to the tips of your toes, like when you're en pointe
flat turnout

180 degrees ponchays (sorry, i can't spell!)

flat splits, both ways

high devlopees
pick a few movements or combinations you are having difficulty with, and use those. example: you can do a triple pirouette, but not a fouette. work on that. your foot sickles, work on that. work on turn out. por de bras...anything! pick some things that are hard...and get better at them.

getting down all 3 splits,folding in half, 180 turnout, grande jete (FULL SPLIT IN AIR), arabesque 90 degrees, then a full split arabesque, double or triple pirouette, high grande batmas.

watch videos online and copy it if you can. come up with a dance routine and show that (include all the stuff above except for first 2)

Ballet flat feet?

I am in ballet 9x a week and 2 of those classes are pre-pointe. Since I am flat footed, i don't have a nice arch that is supportive. I want to have a better arch by the time i get my pointe shoes.

What can i do to correct this?

What about arch supports for ballet from Discount Dance?

Ballet flat feet?concert tickets

Well,you can always take up tap dancing.

Ballet flat feet?theater seating opera theater

Consult a foot doctor.
arch supports supports ur arch, if you do not have them it wont do any good.

try stretching your feet and pointing and flexing. : ]
well when i was on pre point about 3 years ago i didnt have flat feet, my feeet had a good arch, but my best friend and i did some stretches with those bands and her arch is more supportive and her feet are stronger.
way i found that works the best is to get a soup can and put your foot on it and roll your foot over it back and fourth (sounds weird i know but it reallll y works!!!) the more you do it the better your arch will become. hope this helps it has always helped me.
I suggest following the link below. Look under "Accessories" and go to the last page. There will be a thermaband in medium, heavy, and super heavy weights, and a pro arch. Good luck!!
i am in ballet and i am flat footed.

from pointing so hard with my feet. i am beginning to get muscle. it makes it look like i have a little arch.
If you'd like help correcting your flat feet, contact me:
You sound just like me.........

You dont really need high arches to be on point (I have got mine about a month ago) You just need to be strong enough to support yoursrlf, especially your ankles, I need to push my ankles extra to get over my toes all the way

It is good to work on strengthining your arch but its not needed to be high for pointework

Good luck
i heard this works wonderfully.

Ballet flats prob ?

every ballet flat i buy or try is always small from the front and big from the back , but im not handicaped or somethin ... + if i wear one it always kills me from the back n then i bleed , its not just 1 its all of em ... i love ballet flats n i dont wanna step wearin them , any advice ???

Ballet flats prob ?performing art center

Ballet flats are not good to wear as shoes too often. They are too flat on the ground and they do not have an arch. If your foot is arched a ballet flat may not fit you properly. I suggest wearing a flat with an arch and maybe a small heel.

Ballet flats prob ?theatre tickets opera theater

...Yieks!...that IS a problem...

i got these Jessica Simpson flats and they're my favorite (i have them in the black) you can see, they're not rounded in the front, they have a semi-point to them, so they don't make your ankles look "thick" like some other flats...also, the leather and meterial is really soft, so they shouldn't cut you up like your other ones! anyways, i got them from Baker's shoe store, go pick them up! : D

Ballet on Carpet?

I have a secret ambition to learn ballet. My friend bought me a DVD that I use to pratice at home but all my floors have carpet.

Will I be able to pratice ballet on carpet? I don't want to install laminate flooring. Too expensive!

Ballet on Carpet?oper

as the others said the basics will be fine on carpet but look into buying a sheet of marley for the more advanced moves. however, i don't recommend that ANYONE try to teach themselves ballet from a DVD. you simply need to find a certified dance teacher and take some classes.(it couldn't be more expensive than new flooring!) Your knees and ankles will thank you later because - and I'm speaking from experience here - an instructor can give corrections that you, yourself will not notice. If you try to teach yourself you will most likely end up going through knee surgery sometime in the future. Trust me- If you're serious about this dream, lessons from a certified instructor who can see what you are doing wrong are the best and only safe way to go.

Good luck!!! :)

Ballet on Carpet?hollywood theater opera theater

Surely some of it must be fine on carpet, I don't know about all of it. Good luck, it's great to go after your dreams! Don't give up!!!
You will be able to do the barre and the jumps on carpet, in fact, you will land a lot softer, and not make as much noise. However, you need a smooth surface to do the pirouttes.
Carpet is not an ideal surface to do ballet, but since you are simply learning some basics you should be OK. Another idea is to go to a home improvement store and see if they have any inexpensive defective paneling. You can use the backside, if necessary, as a make-shift floor on which to practice. If you are really serious about ballet, you need to look for classes. Even if just through the Y or park district, you will get some basic classes.

Enjoy ballet and have fun!
It is probably fine for basics. I'd be more concerned about what's underneath the carpet. That is, if the floor is too hard, it can be bad for the joints. But you'd feel it. Dance floors are usually "suspended".
carpet is "ok" 2 practice on but then if u go and try 2 practice on a flat/hard surface u'll find that its harder 2 keep ur balance and that u'll have 2 put more force in2 ur turns

Ballet Uniform question 2?

So if you wear a leotard and tights for ballet class, what do you do when it is cold inside, do you wear something over your outfit or do you stay warm by doing your dancing? Also do you usually come to class wearing just your uniform or do you put it on there or do you wear it under your clothes? Please give me as much advice as you can because I am getting ready to start ballet and I don't know any of this. Thanks a lot for all of your help.

Ballet Uniform question 2?theater

Don't panic, you'll be fine. The safest thing to do for your first class is to arrive wearing your uniform under your street clothes - just in case there isn't a changing room at the studio.

If it's cold, a good option is to arrive wearing a track suit or sweat pants and sweatshirt over your uniform, because they're loose and comfortable and you can keep one or both on until you're feeling warmed up.

You can buy leg-warmers, but I wouldn't just yet. You'll find different schools have different ways of dressing. There's no rhyme or reason to it, it's just that most students like to copy what the teacher wears, or what the star student wears - and before you know it, everyone's dressed the same!

So you'll find some schools where everyone wears leg-warmers, others where everyone wears sweat pants, and some where everyone wears dance pants or yoga pants. And so on.

Wear something sensible to the first class, then observe people closely to see what they wear. Then you'll know what to buy to be in with the crowd.

Ballet Uniform question 2?london theatre opera theater

You can show up in your uniform, wearing sweatpants over the tights if you'd like. when its cold you can wear a sweater that ties in front and leg warmers. Maybe thicker tights as well.
you sound a little panicked haha.

when its cold outside, i wear warm ups. like sweaters, leg warmers, ect ( all tight fitting tho is the best...if you wear something baggy chances are your posture might be incorrect...but it all depends on the studio if they will let you wear warm ups, so ask when you go to class

you go to class with the uniform can wear something over it if its more comfortable for you and take it off when you get there.

i like to wear warm ups with my uniform....because i think it looks cool haha i live in hawaii soo there is no real reason for me to be cold haha
When it's cold outside I usually wear legwarmers, knit shorts, or a knit sweater. Sometimes all three.

I usually come straight from school, so I get ready at my studio or my friend's house. But if I am at home before class I get ready at home. You can come wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and then just take it off before class. This is what I would do if I had to take the bus. Or you can wear sweatpants, and then use them for warmups.

Good luck starting ballet, I hope you enjoy it!
If you're really nervous about starting ballet, you should go watch a class before you start or watch dancers on YouTube. Nobody expects you to know exactly what you're doing your first class. Go the first time with optimism and just have fun!

Ballet Slipper question?

I just bought my first pair of Ballet Slippers for a dance class I'm taking in HS. They are Capezio ballet slippers. Do I need to do anything to them before taking my class?

Ballet Slipper question?pacific theater

if the elastic isn't sewn yet, you'll need to do that. that can be done two ways either one straight across like in this pic

or the elastic can be sewn crossing with two elastics like in this second pic (most older students sewn their shoes crossed like the second pic) you will also have to pull the drawstrings tight so they around your foot tie them in multiple knots and then cut them off (at the bottom of this next web page their are pics to help you with your drawstings if you don't know what I'm talking about)

well the last thing you need to do is try to break them, since you haven't really learned anything yet because you haven't been to class you can't really practice anything yet, but once you learn stuff in class practice A LOT at home to help break your shoes in quicker and so that you become good! good luck with ballet and have fun : )

Ballet Slipper question?phantom of the opera opera theater

Well if they didn.t come with the elastic attached then you will want to sew the elastic. But if they came all ready then you should be ok. Try wearing them around the house to get used to the feeling of them.
you have to break them in just bend them in half a couple times then wear them around your house so they can relax into your foot and take shape. If there isnt any elastic on them sew it on. And never wear them outside.
you need to sow some elastics on them right in the middle because sometime the heel slipps of
You should sew the elastics on and walk around in them to get the feel of them.
you'll want to sew the elastics on before you start to dance. Also, if they're a full soled shoes, then do a little bit of dancing and releveing in them before you go to break them in. If they're split sole, you don't need to do anything.
nope the only shoes you really have to break in is toe shoes

Ballet classes in nottingham?

any ballet classes in nottingham area?

i really want to go to a ballet class..

Ballet classes in nottingham?the grand theater

Try ringing up the county council, they normally have a leisure activity list as well as possible dance schools and can tell you what recreational things are happening in your area. At least they will put you on the right trail.

Ballet classes in nottingham?soap opera opera theater

sorry dont no eney

Ballet classes in tulsa, or broken arrow?

my mom is making me take stupid girl ballet classes for being to lazy, does anyone know any good classes around tulsa and broken arrow? and if so what is the dress code? and where would u go to buy these stupid ballet dancewear around tulsa?

Ballet classes in tulsa, or broken arrow?chinese theater enrollment is a $25 nonrefundable and 40-50 a week. is christian based and has a $10 enrollment w/ online coupon,and is $20 a week and has family plans.

Ballet classes in tulsa, or broken arrow?opera mini opera theaterBallet is not just for girls. It will make you stronger and more athletic. Good luck. Report It

Ballet For Teens?

I am a Singaporean. I want to take up Ballet, but there isn't any Teens or Adult Ballet Class and most children class don't accept me because I am 13!

Ballet For Teens?star theater


i think that you could consinder taking ballet classes at Singapore Ballet Academy, at fort canning hill. They have adult ballet classes which have students around your age, till 50+!!! Most of the students in the adult ballet class are actually in their teens and like you, do not have any classical ballet background. I am sure that you will fit in perfectly there(:

i have attached a website which gives more details about sba!

all the best!!! follow your dreams(:

Ballet For Teens?extension opera theater


To perform the more demanding routines, a ballet dancer must appear to defy gravity while working within its constraints. Basic physics and the science of human perception provide insight into how this is accomplished.

Ballet dance, like the grand jet茅, the dancer may appear to hover. Physically, his/her center of mass describes a parabola, as does a ball, when thrown (or, indeed, any object when in flight and acted upon by only the gravitational force alone). However, advantage is taken of the limitation in the human ability to reckon center of mass when a projectile changes its configuration in flight. When leaping, the dancer extends the arms and legs and lowers the head relative to the body. The manoeuvre camouflages the fall and leads the audience to perceive the dancer is floating. A Pas de Chat (step of the cat) creates a similar illusion. The dancer starts from a pli茅, then during the ascending phase of the step, successively lifts and rotates each shin outward with hips turned out,as all steps in ballet must be unless dancing character(ethnic) steps or freemovement. For a moment, the dancer appears suspended in air.

What i feel ur age is right age to follow and easy to dance and i don't know why ur peoples are not allowing u

better u consult in 3 or more places defenetly u find

The fall must be performed carefully. The laws of physics decree that momentum must be dissipated but a crash landing would destroy the impression of airiness and likely injure the dancer. Part of the solution is a floor designed to absorb shock. The dancer also bends at the knees and rolls the foot from toe to heel. For artistic as well as safety reasons this technique must be taught by a qualified instructor.

Depending on where the dancer places his or her arms and legs, the dancer can make them look longer or shorter depending on their preference. By placing them farther behind the body it creates the illusion of shorter arms or legs, and by moving them forward, longer.
the ymca has an adult ballet class and so does jitterbugs singapore
go for it you would have fun do it dont care what other friends think.
aww.. well i started when I was 12, and I am doing fine now... hope you can find something, i am sure you would love it!
omg i know how you feel. when i was eleven i fell in love with ballet and my dad looked around for a dance teacher for me...and then when the teacher found out my age (which was thirteen by then) he wouldn't take me for a student. i was so upset. after that i had to wait five years before i took up ballet. the reason why? cause college classes don't care what age you are.

my advice to you is to look for a private teacher or keep searching for classes that will take you. if you try hard enough you will start to dance soon enough...instead of like me who had to wait five years. good luck :).

Ballet flats - where can I find them?

I want ballet flats that are cheap $5 - $30 at the most and have backs/no peep holes. I need them for school and so far I only have one pair. I have a uniform and I need dress shoes so I really want atleast 5 pairs of ballet flats.

I've tried - Wet Seal, Forever 21, Aldo Shoes, Limited Too, Payless, and Target. Got any other stores?

Ballet flats - where can I find them?opera songs

They didn't have any at forever 21? I saw some the other day

Have you checked their stores online? because ive seen a ton

You can try dsw, american eagle has cute ones, I've seen some at target. but you can try their online store

charlotte russe has ADORABLE ones! :]

hope this helps :]

Ballet flats - where can I find them?secure browser opera theater

well theyre not sooo cheap but nordstrom has adorable flats!
i dont think your gonna get them that cheap. maybe around thirty. wow youve tried all thosde stores? hm i was gonna say target or payless. well the only other store i can think of is dsw. maybe you could look in jcpennys or marshallas or macys or something. good luck!

try claires, and Tj. Maxx, also at malls they have those little botiques, also try local Flee markets
Try Fashion Bug or Cato if you have them in your area.
try walmart or kohls.
Hmm, well I was gonna say Wet Seal or could try Shoe Dept. Or try the online stores for some of the stores you listed. It's weird that you didn't find any at could check again...

Anyway, hope this helps.

See below websites.
shoe show, ebay, walmart, jc penneys
Have u checked limited too? they have all of their flats on this wall!

Ballet Production?

Ok so, soon I am leaving to go to see Cinderella the ballet by Les Petits Ballets. Has anyone else seen this production or one like it? Just wondering, I am bored right now =P

Ballet Production?opera cd

cinderlla is a common ballet

Ballet Tutorials?

I was wondering if there was a site that has Ballet Tutorials. Perhaps with a forum to chat with other dancers. I know of a site called PimpMyWalk that is for hip-hoppers. And also, TapMoves which is my personal favorite, but what about people who are interested in pointe/ballet, where do they go? I'm looking for something where they show you the steps and movements step by step. But anything you present to me is fine. The faster the reply, the better. Thanks in advance!

Ballet Tutorials?chicago theater

The premiere forum for people who are interested in ballet and pointe is Ballet Talk for Dancers:

However, I don't think you're going to find a site for ballet that is like PimpMyWalk because the nature of learning ballet is different from learning hip hop and the other dances featured at that site. Ballet CANNOT be self-taught. You must have a teacher to give you corrections or else you are wasting your time by learning the moves incorrectly.

Ballet Tutorials?met opera opera theater

if you just search 'dance forums' then you can get alot of different places that you may like.

these are the ones i found that may be just what your looking for:

i hope these are what you need. if not, like i said just google 'Dance forums' and you will find something.

good luck and have fun!

Ballet is tough, help?

hmmm so ive been taking ballet for liek 8 years and i just found out when i go up in releve, my feet dont turn out liek the right way and now ive started point and this is a huge problem in point and then in ballet my feet hert and blah. so ne ways my quetion is...does ne one no ne streches or excersises to get my feet to turn out liek WAY more??? much needed thanks!

Ballet is tough, help?theater seating

This is a problem for many dancers, because ballet is all about "turnout". You need to concentrate on turning out from your hip joint. It's a funny feeling, but imagine your femur-bone "turning out" in your hip socket all the time, whatever exercise you are doing. Basic stretches to loosen your hips is effective as well.

Ballet is tough, help?lyric opera opera theater

Practice in your ballet shoes. Work on your turn out in each ballet position. Eleves and Releves in Ballet 1st, 2nd, and Premiere Positions, Tendus. When you stretch concentrate on Ponite and Flex when you do that turn your feet out to Ballet 1st Position and then Pointe your toes in that Position. Remember to Practice Everyday.
I am a dance teacher, and in my pre-pointe classes, the girls focus on turn-out exercises like ankle presses, develloppe plie's at the barre, passe's at the wall, and develloppes lying on the floor.

Ballet Summer Intensives: Boston v. Washington?

I was accepted to both Boston Ballet's summer intensive and Washington Ballet's summer intensive. I have never been to either of them before (I went to CPYB last year) and I was wondering if anyone had been to both/either and had any insights on which one to go to. I am assuming they aren't terribly different (that is what my teacher said when I asked her, at least) but I was looking for some opinions...anyone have any thoughts? :)

Ballet Summer Intensives: Boston v. Washington?theatre tickets

two of my friends went to the Boston Ballet summer intensive last summer and they loved it!

Ballet Summer Intensives: Boston v. Washington?opera house opera theater

As I know nothing about Washington's SI, I'd recommend Boston because they have a REALLY good program and small(ish) classes, so you get more attention.
BB's summer program is really good, I knew many people who have gone there, and many of them who were asked to stay for BBII. I know the director of Washington Ballet school and he is an amazing teacher. Either way, they're both really good programs!! Good luck and have fun!

Quit gymnastics to start ballet?

I'm 14 and i have done gymnastics for about 7 years . I've only done gymnastics at a recreational level but I'm still pretty good and very flexible I'm thinking of quiting gymnastics and trying ballet. Will i be put in a class with babies if i don't take adult courses? Will it be hard to do the ballet moves when I'm so use to gymnastics? Which is harder ballet or gymnastics and should i really quit gymnastics or try ballet. Sorry for all the questions.

Quit gymnastics to start ballet?hollywood theater

Contact all the ballet studios in your area and discuss your situation with the director. How they handle your situation could be different for each studio. But if the studio with the best reputation for training dancers says that they will start you off with the 6 year olds, don't immediately write it off. When a gymnast your age started at my daughter's studio, the director had her take several levels of ballet at once and she was able to drop the 6 year old class very quickly; in a matter of weeks. By the end of one year, she was dancing with people her age.

Ballet is only hard at first because you are literally learning a new language. But the moves, themselves, won't be hard for you. You just need to get up to speed with the terminology and matching it with the right moves. Until you do that, you'd be lost in a higher level class.

Go for it!

Quit gymnastics to start ballet? opera theater

Those are great questions. I would think that having all your training in gymnastics will make you very flexible for ballet, which is great. You will need to ask the studio where you would take the classes about your question regarding placing you with the babies. Your gymnastics moves are actually ballet moves...the floor movements, the balance beam, etc. If you don't wish to jump upside down anymore then try ballet. If you don't like it, you can go back to gymnastics. Give it a try, I love the emotion and expression ballet has to offer. Good luck sweetheart! =0
I think that you should do ballet and gymnastics.

If you're not able to do that, try something new and do ballet.

I'm 13 and I've just started jazz, which is similar to ballet and you won't be in a class with babies. Just sign up for a beginners class with your age. I'm in a beginners class for 11 years old and up. I have no idea whether ballet or gymnastics is harder, but I think that ballet will be a little easier that it would usually be because you're already really flexible. I'm not flexible at all.

Hope I've helped!! : )
i think it will be good for u to try something else but i think that you will de very well in ballet...its hard but very rewarding!!!!!!
If you're interested in it go for it! You won't know until you try and being a gymnast you're already way ahead in the flexibiity and movement department.

I'd expect it will be different as you'll be moving in a different way just like someone above said it's like a different language. there will be similarities and you just have to get used to it. There is also the story telling and emotion part of it...i think ballet is more of an art form compared to gymnastics which i'd consider more of a sport (not to say that ballet isn't a sport and gymnastics isn't an art form...just to different degrees)

My ballet teacher used to scare the beejeesus out of me. And that sorta killed my love for dance, didn't help that i kinda sucked either but hey i never wanted to become a professional dancer, i just liked dancing. And i've always regretted giving up ballet when i did.
i was a gymnast for years before i danced, and i found that all my training really helped me in the studio. there will be some mooves you haven't done, but you've already developed flexibility, poise, strength, acarriage as a gymnast. see if you can try a dance class before you make any major decisions! i always felt more challanged, and therefor more accomplished, as a gymnast, but both are excellent exercise and wonderful activities to pursue. they play off of each other very well!
Well, first of all you have to check out your local dance studio, to be sure they have a beginner class for teenagers. Most studios does, but make sure.

Of course it takes time to learn all of the ballet moves, but I think that it will only help you that you are already physically fit and flexible.

I would say that ballet is harder. I once took gymnastic classes, and it was very fun, but then I quited to do ballet!And I would say that ballet is a bit more difficult, but even more funny! Now, I don't know you, and you may not feel like this, but personally i think ballet is more challenging and more funny. But, it's a question about taste. Do what you feel like, just remember: Sometimes it can be great to try something new! :)

Good luck, what ever you decision is going to be! :)

Ballet / Pointe?

okay......i have been dancing ballet on and off for about 6 years and finally decided to stick with it. now im ballet 2A (intermediate) and i was wondering if i would be capeable to take beginners pointe? opinions please....?

Ballet / Pointe?

I usually suggest you ask your teacher/s about this. They are best situated to determine if you have the strength, turn out, and right mind set for the next step-up (pun not intended)...

If I go by the number of years you've been dancing I would think yes, but I would prefer to see you rise onto demi-pointe and check out the strength of your core muscles (abs)... also your turn out. Moderate to good turn out helps with your balance for pointe.

Also your age/maturity would be a determining factor, for me, if I was teaching you. Pointe work can be damaging to your feet, knees, spine if you don't pay attention and make sure you work correctly and work up to the necessary strength in the right way - more for your own protection than any other reason.

Ballet / Pointe?opera mobile opera theater

yeah i reackon...
Ask your teacher. But fair warn my teacher thinks I don't have an arch in my foot and she thinks I can't hold up my weight. ( I can hold it up more than some people in my class smaller than I am) Good Luck! (My friend started this she said at school "My feet hurt"=D)
i would ask your dance teacher whether s/he thinks your ready and strong enough to go on pointe! but make sure you feel ready to go on pointe and be very carefull at first always make sure your with your teacher or a trained dancer then when your more onfident try practicing at home in a safe area
It depends how strong your ankles are because I mean if you have been going on and off for 6 years then your ankles might not be ready and you wouldn't want to hurt yourself. I know pointe looks really fun and exciting but you shouldn't risk hurting yourself just because you want it- don't worry you will get there!

Ask your teacher if she thinks you are ready for pointe! 6 years isn't that long to be able to do pointe, but your teacher might think you are ready! Also, ask your teacher what brand of pointe shoes would be good for you. Some teachers require a certain brand. Ask her about pads for your feet when you are doing pointe. I use ouch pads, and gel pads. Your teacher may want you to wear a specific pad also. Always wear pads when you are on pointe no matter what the people at the store say. It will make you feel a lot more comfortable. If your teacher says yes for you going on pointe the prices usually rank from 50-90 dollars. They are a lot cheaper on the internet, if you don't want to pay that much. Have fun!

Ballet 5 times/week?

i have read a lot of questions about starting ballet.. just wondering, how am I supposed to take ballet classes 5 times a week when theres only 1 (teen/adult beginner) class open a week? I don't get it, lol. what should I do?

Ballet 5 times/week?opera music

Some studios/dance schools offer many classes a week, and some don't. If you are serious enough about ballet to want to take class 5 times a week then look for a school that is affiliated with a company or is known for training professional dancers. When I was a dancer I took a technique class that met three days a week, a pointe class once a week, and company class once a week, plus rehearsal time.

Ballet 5 times/week?opera sheet music opera theater

Maybe once you start out you only dance 1 day a week, the more advanced you get the more you go, I would call them.
If your just starting once a week is enough and then you will have time find if ballet is for you or not. So stay sweet and safe.
your mom
not all ppl have to take that much.. starting ballet you shouldn't do 5 days a week!! start small then work your way up.. i've been doing ballet for 10 years and i do it for 4-5 times.. if you want to do it more than once a week ask the dance school if they offer that for your level or if you can take a more advanced class for learning.. if they won't let you, research other ballet schools in your area offering more classes

Ballet leotard punishment?

i got into trouble with my mom for ripping my sisters new ballet leotard, my mom got so mad, that she is making me go to my sisters ballet lessons, wearing a leotard and tights, then go grocery shipping with my mom and sister after wards! how embarrassing the leotard is pink with white tights and pink slippers, is this a fair punishment?

Ballet leotard punishment?phantom of the opera

1. You're full of it.

2. No studio makes people wear white tights beyong kinderdance, nice try.

3. No studio would allow this kind of nonsense, especially from a non-student.

Ballet leotard punishment?listen to opera opera theaterThis is a very humiliating punishment since he has to go out in public dressed like this. I feel he should have been made to buy her a new leotard from his own money. I am sure he would be embarrassed enough just to have to go to a ballet store and buy a new pink leotard for his sister. Report It

Beginning to think you're a full of crap middle aged pervert. Good luck with that. Report It

no, it is messed up. like child abuse.
I personally don't think that is a fair punishment personally, but, I do think that you should be expected to earn the money to replace the leotard.
wait...your a guy and shes making you do that?? your name is chris right? it says on your avatar thingy... but yea thats just horrible... maybe you could improvise. and say "im cold" and then put on sweats and a hoodie and no one will see...

just done rip your sisters new clothing anymore...its not worth it
That's going a little far. She should have made you buy another one or something.
that would majorly piss me off if i was her so in a way you deserve it but it was a lil harsh making you were that i thiink she should have just gotten you to buy a new one and and maybe sit in her class but not were the leotard but haha that is pretty funny but i feel for you!!!!....
this is a fair punishment because since you ripped her new ballet leotard
hahaha very funny.
its insane
ive read a couple of your other questions. your a lunatic. so this is about right

Ballet titles.....?

So female ballet dancers are ballerinas. What are male ballet dancers called?

Ballet titles.....?soap opera

Either a cavalier, ballerino, dancer, or Danseur.

Ballet titles.....?city opera opera theater


Ballet Tips ?

I Was Wondering If Anyone Had Any Good Ballet Tips To Help Me, Im 13 And Just Starting Ballet In Flats (Soft). So Any Good Tips ?

Ballet Tips ?opera mini

1. Make sure you pull up your torso when you execute most of the free leg moves where the free foot is off the ground but the supporting foot remains on the ground, like the





2. When doing both the demi- and grand pile....make sure that you keep your upper body straight unless you do any

"cambre" (body bend) movements.

3. Don't turn your toes too much when you do pointe movements like the "releve"; this is called "sickle toe" and this is not aesthetic in ballet.

Ballet Tips ?passions soap opera opera theater

if u take classes then make use of them (:
Practice really hard, listen to the teacher, and do exactly what she says. Remember that this sport is all about expressing yourself and being graceful. Hope I helped...AND wash the tutus and stuff...yeah thats pretty much all i got.
hi iam also 13 and have been dancing for 9 years! just make sure you always stand up straghit and flaten your stomach its hard to get used to so anytime you do anything just keep those tips in mind!
stretch alot, and stretch even more, and one thing about ballet is it is a very demanding activity at times, so never give up, and dedicate yourself to doing it. :)
Well i started ballet when i was four so i guess its different if u start when your 13. Well im 12 now and this is the first year i havent danced ballet since i was 4.

I suggest u just follow the teachers directions but remember to always keep your foot pointed when its in the air unless ur teacher tells u otherwise. keep your legs straight and dont try and raise ur legs higher than u can just raise it up to ur waist while still keeping it straight.

Keep good body posture and dont sag your arms down. sorry if this is a little confusing. i hope it helps. good luck!!

BTW what dance academy r u starting at???;q=b...
im 13 and i just started ballet too! most of the other girls have taken ballet since they were 3, so it's a little hard to catch up. i think that having a class once a week isn't enough time to become really good at ballet. you need to go home and practice, at least everyday, even if your only doing stretches to increase ur flexiblity. its also important to practice spotting for when you are doing turns because that can be hard also.

i hope this helped and good luck with ballet :]
some good pointers on getting started in ballet are

- to always practice!! practice makes perfect !

- stretch your feet at least once a day so you can get that point that you need to finish your lines (therabands and such)

-work on your flexibility and performance all the time . When your watching television , stretch all that

-work hard and go to every class, (your already 13 and just starting ballet , your probably behind the other dancers so attendance is pretty important as well as practice)

-study the theroy and know it, love it , breathe it and the exercises.(always try to improve)
I have been doing ballet for 13 years. I am nearly 17 now.

Listen to your teacher. Consentrate. Try not to get desratced and practice really hard.

Love what you are doing!!! Its the best thing in the world!! Apart form Tap that is!!!
im 13 and i stareted balloet in flats when i was 10. just make sure you strech A LOT. i would reccomend getting a bar put in in your house somewhere so you can prectice bar excersizesez at home. good luck!
Keep your weight off your heels. I kills your calves at first, but it is correct posture.
Well, take classes and pay close attention to the teacher---the more you pay attention the more you will learn. You need to stretch around twice a day to build up your muscles and keep in shape....after all, you have to be strong, especially your feet!!!!! Eat right, and drink LOTS of water!!!!!

Ballet will help you keep your posture proper, keep you in shape, etc.

Good luck, and I will pray that you succeed well!
Stretch every night to get your splits (flexibility is useful in ballet.)

When you point your feet point them from the middle of your foot, not from your toes (I struggled with that when I first started.)

Most importantly listen to what the teacher tells you and try to adjust what you do according to what they say and also enjoy dancing.

Good luck!

Ballet question, Its a move i wanna learn, Its when you get 1 of your leg right up aganst your face

hello i'm 14 and i wanna start ballet next year (i know i'm old lol) and i'm stretching everyday to get flexible and i can't do the splits yet, but i was woundering how can i learn this move (don't worry its a picture so it won't take much downloads)

thankyou for reading and if you leave a commit!

Ballet question, Its a move i wanna learn, Its when you get 1 of your leg right up aganst your face (standing)extension

You need to develop strength and flexinility, and also remember, in this pic, the dancer is doing a kick, she isn't just standing there. However, its very common in things like rhythmic gymnastics to stand in that position. I suggest really working on splits and opening the hips, as well as working on a really good develope and fendu to get used to the motion. This takes a lot of back, butt, and ab strength, moreso than even leg strength

Ballet question, Its a move i wanna learn, Its when you get 1 of your leg right up aganst your face (standing)movie theater opera theater

this is part work and part genetics.

You'll definitely have to stretch, but not until you're warmed up or you could hurt yourself. This takes lots of repetition over a long period on time. i don't really know how to describe how to do the stretches. It's the sort of thing that is easier to understand in the class where you can watch an instructor.

The other is luck. Some people are born stretchier than other people. Some people are born with hyperextended arms and legs (these people are VERY flexible). If that's you you won't have to work as much to stretch, if it isn't you'll probably still be able to get there but it won't be fast.

The good news is you'll probably be able to extend your leg straight to the side while holding your heel within a few months if you work hard. It's a pretty satisfying feeling.
Look, i've been doing balle since i was 4 and am grade 6 and i can't do that, no-one in my group can do that, i used to be able to do the splits both ways but not anymore cos my bodies changed. Its all about you body make up, some people are incredibly flexible, some you learn and some people just don't have the bone structure or genetic make up to be flexible
you have to stretch,stretch,and more stretching. i have been dancing for 12yrs and im pretty flexible and cant do that.there's a lot of really flexible girls i know and their like rubberbands and cant do that. its according to how far your body will let you go. but if you keep up stretching you will get closer.

Modern and jazz from ballet ?


I've been doing ballet for a while now and I love it , but I want to become a more well rounded dancer . I've looked into it and decided that modern and jazz are my favourite forms ( after ballet of course ! =P ) and I was wondering would modern be too hard for me because ballet is all about defeying gravity and modern is all working with gravity ( It about working with gravity right ? ) . I'm willing to work hard of course but I've heard some people who do both say that it's impossible to be devoted to alot of diffrent styles of dance because your body has become used to moving a certain way . So do you think I should try jazz and modern or do you think my preformance in ballet would go down so I shouldn't try it ? Thankyou x x

Modern and jazz from ballet ?secure browser

being well rounded is a very good thing. i think you should try modern jazz. and about the way your body is used to if u preactice enough it wont make a difference. i know cause im in ballet and pointe and then i joined poms. it took a while to get used to it but after a couple weeks its fine.

Modern and jazz from ballet ?home theater opera theater

well i do ballet modern and jazz and modern has a little bit of both in it so it would probably work out fine you just have to get used to it!!

well modern is totally the opposite of ballett, ballett is very restricted and rule like while modern is very free and out there. if you are looking to expand in dance I would definitly look at modern. I'm doing modern right now and I love it. i had never done it before and i instantly took a liking to it since it's so free and expressive. its an aweosme way to relax too.
I should do them all.

I did modern for 3 years and then chaged to ballet, ive been doing it two weeks and my techer says i have natural movement in ballet.

So if you do ballet and you move to modern you should be okay. but it will be faster than ballet.

if you're worried about modern, don't take it. There's many many many other courses you can take, I also do jazz and tap besides ballet. Jazz may be a little hard, because it's not turned out some of the time, many of the things are in parallel. Tap is fun too. There's also lyrical (really pretty style), and other dances. Have fun!

Ballet lesson's for my young daughter?

i would like to hear from anyone who has their child in ballet lesson's or have experience with that? my daughter is one and i am thinking of signing her up for ballet lesson's so how much do they cost? how long is a term? what age can she join the class from?

Ballet lesson's for my young daughter?opera singer

My daughter is 4 I enrolled her 4 weeks ago. I pay 120.00 for 8 weeks that's 8 lessons. one time a week..2 months. She was thrilled when I told her, she doesnt like it though...she cries when we talk about it. I think it may be her instructor...just make sure they are kid friendly. Our instructor is very stern and rigid..she's young but much about the professional aspect and at 4 it is and should only be about fun. I oldest daughter did what is called Baby Ballet when she was two..she loved that..they had those streamer things and they learned one position and did hula hoop hopping. Try a class geared for just babys, or a creative movement class that is just about dance in general. Make sure the instructor is FUN! It doesnt matter if they sing through the whole class as long as they like it and are haveing fun.

Ballet lesson's for my young daughter?amc theater opera theater

I did ballet for a year, I loved most of it, my ankles hurt so I stopped, no idea on cost tho.
I have been dancing for like 10 years now. I love it so much. Usually your child can start at the age of 4, it depends on where you live. The price of my classes are about 250 a piece and that is with a membership. It really depends though on what dance studio you go to and how long the class is.
Kids love Ballet, I did when I was little.

All depends on the group weather they take at 1 year. It is quiet young, you'd have to ask.

They do ballet here, cost 锟? for 1/2 hour. and they do it in school terms.
starting ballet at an early age is really a good thing, it improves the posture, plus creates self confidence at an early stage. i am not sure though abt the cost since it depends on where you're staying, but i believe the earliest age to start ballet is abt 21/2 to 3. from where i stay, ballet starts at a level of beginner, and gradually moves to another level as soon as the first level is completed (aprox. abt a yr, and which usually ends with a recital). my daughter has classmates who have been doing ballet for the past 16 years, so more or less you have an idea how long this "lesson" takes...
I used to assist teaching ballet lessons for young children. The youngest they would start would be three. I don`t know how much the lessons would cost, I suppose it would depend on where you were sending her. A term would probably be the same as a school term, with holidays the same time as school holidays. Maybe you should enqire at a local dance school to find out more. I hope she enjoys her ballet classes!
Ballet is really great for young girls. Where I go it costs about 250 for a full year, but you can also do it for just half the year. You can usually start around 3 or 4.

Hope I helped!
You're daughter is too young for ballet class; however, it would be great to do a mommy and me class with her for coordination and motor skills. I've taught ballet to children as young as 2, but I think that this age is still too young. From experience, the children at this age play and run around in class--that is a lot of money to pay for basically a babysitter. I would recommend doing basic movement/motor skills classes that include a parent and then start ballet at 4 (if the child is focused) or 5.
I would advise waiting until your daughter is about 4 to enroll her in ballet classes. They are just too structured and hard to understand for 1 year olds that your daughter would probably just end up being quite confused. I definitely recommend taking her to a movement class or something of that nature that's not so...well, difficult. REAL ballet classes usually don't start until about 6, so 4 is a good time to take a pre-ballet class, which is offered at most ballet studios. My studio doesn't let girls into the level 1 class until age 6. Ballet is a wonderful thing for your daughter to do, but it's a little too early to start now. Ballet teaches you (besides, obviously, how to do ballet) structure, discipline, determination, and how to take corrections and criticism and applying them without whining or being upset about it. It's great exercise and could also be her love in life (like it is for me) so I recommend it highly!
Most studios wont accept a child that young. At 2 or 3, you can find studios that have classes like Mommy and Me, Movement and Music. Theyre introductory classes to get kids used to moving with music and learning little cute things.

As far as cost, it depends where you go. Recital schools, with seasons going the same as the school year, usually have a registration fee and then a monthly fee based on how many classes a week they attend. A lot of studios also incorporate an insurance fee to cover any injuries sustained at the studio as well. Then you have the additional costs of shoes, costumes, recital fee, etc.

While she's little, you may want to look for these kinds of classes at community ed facilities or day cares, gyms, the YMCA, to save money and see how she responds. At this age, you can't take it very seriously, and use dance as a chance for her to use some energy, and learn to socialize with other little ones.
usally ballet calsses start at like 2 or 3 years old not 1 that is really young plus dance techers would liek the students to be potty trained! its usally like $45-$50 for one class but it really depends on the studio
ballet is usually from the age of 3 and other dance styles, such as tap start when the child is four. They are usually around 锟?.50 a lesson and they can have up to 3 classes a week. The price and the term times all depend on which dance school you take her too. At my dance school a term lasts the same as an academic school, so there is 3 terms and 6 half terms. hope this helps :)

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