Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ballet on Carpet?

I have a secret ambition to learn ballet. My friend bought me a DVD that I use to pratice at home but all my floors have carpet.

Will I be able to pratice ballet on carpet? I don't want to install laminate flooring. Too expensive!

Ballet on Carpet?oper

as the others said the basics will be fine on carpet but look into buying a sheet of marley for the more advanced moves. however, i don't recommend that ANYONE try to teach themselves ballet from a DVD. you simply need to find a certified dance teacher and take some classes.(it couldn't be more expensive than new flooring!) Your knees and ankles will thank you later because - and I'm speaking from experience here - an instructor can give corrections that you, yourself will not notice. If you try to teach yourself you will most likely end up going through knee surgery sometime in the future. Trust me- If you're serious about this dream, lessons from a certified instructor who can see what you are doing wrong are the best and only safe way to go.

Good luck!!! :)

Ballet on Carpet?hollywood theater opera theater

Surely some of it must be fine on carpet, I don't know about all of it. Good luck, it's great to go after your dreams! Don't give up!!!
You will be able to do the barre and the jumps on carpet, in fact, you will land a lot softer, and not make as much noise. However, you need a smooth surface to do the pirouttes.
Carpet is not an ideal surface to do ballet, but since you are simply learning some basics you should be OK. Another idea is to go to a home improvement store and see if they have any inexpensive defective paneling. You can use the backside, if necessary, as a make-shift floor on which to practice. If you are really serious about ballet, you need to look for classes. Even if just through the Y or park district, you will get some basic classes.

Enjoy ballet and have fun!
It is probably fine for basics. I'd be more concerned about what's underneath the carpet. That is, if the floor is too hard, it can be bad for the joints. But you'd feel it. Dance floors are usually "suspended".
carpet is "ok" 2 practice on but then if u go and try 2 practice on a flat/hard surface u'll find that its harder 2 keep ur balance and that u'll have 2 put more force in2 ur turns

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