Hi, i'm writing a novel about Ballet, and Techies and such. And i would like to get some real ballet combinations, OR warmup combinations into the story... i'm a techie, not a dancer so i need help with some of the terms mainly what types of combinations there are...
Ballet combinations...?comedy club
Dear Great Goddess Terpsichore, please tell me this guy isn't going to call himself a techie throughout the novel.
Techie's are akin to smurfs.
Let some pride show through .. stagehand, deckhand, hell, I'd even accept Union Bro.
Ballet combinations are not too hard to describe. Just separate the ground work from the aerials. One holds and stretches arabesques one leaps through jetes.
Ballet combinations...?sheet music opera theater
well of course, there's the basic 'plie', through first, second, third, fourth, and fifth, and then there's rondejambes, through first or fifth, which can then go into develope. You could do glicade assemble glicade assemble assemble sison pataburea assemble (that's the combo we did last night)
if you need more just let me know
Are you looking for one combination or for an understand of the types of combinations? If you are looking to familiarize yourself with the terms of ballet, go to the links I attached and they will be very helpful! There is also a site that offers a book for under 20 bucks that has combinations in it. If you are writing a novel it may be worth checking out. http://www.choreographyco.com/combo.htm
Glissade, Jete, Coupe, Assemble, Cissone Fie, Pirouette en dedans, Fie, pas de bourree entrounea, tombe, pas de bourree, glissade, grande jete
how about tombe, pota bueare, grand jete.
OR glissa, ausumble, susu, pade cha,arabesque, pice toure.
P.S. sorry about the spelling.
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