Friday, December 4, 2009

BALLET AGE 14.. TOO OLD?!?!=c?

I've been told many times that i'm too old to start ballet. I live near a dance center that gives classes to people my age at the intermediate/advanced level. I'm thinking of going to beginner ballet summer camp for my age to get the basics then joining the intermediate class in the center I told you about. Does anyone know of a summer camp that I could join?? or Am I too old anyway??

I looked over the internet but I didnt find anything suitable.

Please help asap

BALLET AGE 14.. TOO OLD?!?!=c?getting late

Try taking a solo first then joining the class next year that way you can keep up with them. You aren't too old.

BALLET AGE 14.. TOO OLD?!?!=c?regal theater opera theater

i think not. my dance instructor told me that he had a friend who started doing ballet only when he was 20, professional by 25.

i'm just gonna start ballet classes. i'm already 16. ^_~
no.... you are never too old to start to do anything! i am 15 and i have just started taking ballet classes. i would suggest joining an adults ballet class (i went in a class with 12-16 year olds beginner) and most dancing centers will have adult classes so i am sure yours will as well.

hope i helped.
no,i dun think so,20 maybe is too old.
your not too old.have you ever heard of performing arts high schools or colleges yea well....students there do mordern/jazz/ballet/tap and so're never too old to do anything....well actually i take that back but in this case you no wat im saying.
Once again! NOOO
Well i think if you go to the summer school you might find that the girls there are much more advanced than you! Um yes there are some people that are naturaly gifted and are able to begin ballet and a later age but usually they have done gymnastics or physical culture or something along those lines to begin with. I think thats it is great you want to start but i suggest maybe starting off with something like jazz or contemporary! Ballet is much harder than it looks and if not done properly can be VERY dangerous. I no of a few summer schools you may want to try but tell me what country you live in as i am from Australia LOL
you are sooo NOT to old! i started when i was 12. and ppl start when they are like 20!
You are never too old to start ballet. You might start in an adult class and if you work hard you should be able to join the intermediate/advanced level in several months. I'd talk to the director or the teachers at the dance center - I'm sure they would be willing to suggest can't hurt to ask. Your idea of taking a summer intensive is a good one and really is about the only logical thing you could do at this point. Summer intensives are offered by most local dance schools. The summer intensives offered by major national ballet companies are for more advanced students, they are very expensive, and are usually not local. Good Luck
you can certainly start ballet when you want. keep in mind that you will never be on-stage at the Met performing a solo in Swan Lake or anything. but you can certainly start taking ballet.
Your best bet for finding a summer program is to ask the studio. They will either offer a summer program you can take, have classes over the summer, or know of a good program in the area. I know of women who started ballet at 30 and love it. It's never too late to take up something new!
No you aren't too old. Take one to one teaching as well as the class and you will soon catch up and yeah the summer camp seems a good idea too, but I don't know of one sorry. :D
don't worry about what other ppl say. If it's what you wanna do, then go for it! You're never too old to start so give it a shot! Good luck! :)
Unfortunatley, I do not know any summer camps, but I can help you with the first part of your question. I don't think you are too old to start. I am 13 and started just before I turned 13. I have been doing ballet for about 10-11 months now and I love it. It builds up strength and flexibility, plus if you want to learn, you will have fun. Maybe you are being a bit rushed with the begginer stage. It may take more than one summer camp to master the basics, especially if you are not naturally flexible-like me :). However, there is nothing stopping you from trying the intermediate class as long as you don't put yourself down if you can't get something. But basically, you are never too old to learn and if it is something you really want, go for it!
of course not ur never to old to start ballet
Well 4 the first part I am 12 and have an adult who just started in my class, So its probably not 2 late to start but my ballet school is in Spokane WA and has a beginner summer school.

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