Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ballet into everyday life?

I am a ballerina and love to dance :)

I do classical ballet 3 times a week (4 hours)

Any tips on how to bring some of ballet out of the studio and into everyday life?

Also, I am taking a pre/beg. pointe we get pointe shoes?

Ballet into everyday life?regal theater

Well this is the schedule of a real basicly full time ballerina:

6:00am Wake up and get dressed

6:15 pull my hair into a tight bun

6:45 hit the cafeteria for bagels and fruit

7:20 it's early! science class.

8:10 we switch to the room acroos the hall for social studies

9:00 snack time

9:15 change into my leotard, tights, and ballet shoes

9:20 stretch before class in the studio [have one in ur basment- get a bar and some mirrors, make it a wooden floor]

9:30 with music from a piano player, we practice our jumps and tendus on the barre

11:00 call home during lunch. Hi mom!

11:30 back to the studio to practice our dance routines

1:30pm run back up to my room for a shower

2:15 math class followed by a snack break

4:05 English class

4:50 done! sometimes I go to a store with my frijends to get a snack before homework.

6:00 in the cafeteria for dinner

7:00 more homework

8:00 call home again to say good night to mom, dad, and my little sister

8:15 one more snack then I get ready for bed

9:00 Zzzzzzzzzzzzz

That's her life of a ballerina becuase she has to keep up with school work but they understand because she rly loves it and is able to fit it into her schedule! any wooden floors in your house are perect and open areas, get a barre and some mirrors to put around, ballet shoes, You can order online. Good luck!

Ballet into everyday life?performing art center opera theater

Your manners must be reflecting the elegance that you get from your ballet lessons. So you must be taking it into everyday life.

Plus ballet is the display of a beautiful body, I am sure you are proud of yours and people around you like looking at you.
You probaly wont get pointe shses for about 2-4 weeks after the class starts the teacher will have to make syre you are ready for pointe shoes and has to show you how to prprerly stretch so you dont hurt yourself
I started pre/beg pointe also a year ago, I started on what are called pre pointe shoes( there like pointe shoes but you can't go on to full pointe). It depends on where you dance they might have you use soft shoes or have you buy pre pointe shoes.

Also my ballet director recomendes not to buy pre pointe shoes/pointe shoes online

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