Thursday, December 10, 2009

Intermediate foundation ballet?

Im 13 and im going to hopefully start ballet again after doing about 5 years of ballet and stoping for about 3 years.

My mum has just rung up a ballet school and they said i would be in a intermediate foundation class and possibly moving up to beginner pointe in a few terms, if i was up to speed.

I was just wondering what kind of moves you do in intermediate foundation, like what things are you required to be able to do.

Thanks, lots of info please. :)

Intermediate foundation ballet?sheet music

pointe is included in intermediate foundation and to do with "moves" you have to wait and see..there are lots but you have to know that the exams for vocational grades are very hard and most people fail the first time


Intermediate foundation ballet?state theatre opera theater

Typically intermediate involves most ballet steps integrated into combinations that are challenging to the dancer, but not overly difficult. Just remember (sry for spelling) plies, tendu, (petit and grand) battement, frappes, and basic jumps. Most things you can just watch the teacher and will pick right up. Good luck, have fun. I hope I helped ( :
Most intermediate classes involve barre that includes (sorry for the spelling) plies, tendus, randegams, frappes, degashes, batmas, and you will also work on strengthening your calves and ankles so it is easier to go on pointe. In center you will work on grade jetes, sodashas, piques, arebesques, gilesas, padashas, sutenues, and many other basic steps. But intermediate classes take it to the next level. The use the basic steps learned in beginning ballet, and put them into intricate combinations across the floor, using transitional steps like tombe pada bou rae to make it flow. The main goal of the class is to master the basics so when you go on demi point (beginning pointe) it will be very easy for you, and you can learn harder steps like fortes and Italian fortes. I'm sure you'll do very well! Good Luck! :)
Dancers at this level already have developed a basic foundation of the steps used in ballet such as the plie and fondu. At the intermediate level the ballet master is able to work more with arm movement and combination moves away from the ballet barre. You will also start some pre-pointe work which are simply strenghthing exercises to prepare you to dance in pointe shoes.
I'm also 13, and in Ballet, Grade 5 and En Pointe. Stopping ballet for three years..You may find yourself quite behind...Especially for Int.Foundation.

Pointe is quite hard you might need to take a year of Ballet again, before getting back into it.

Int.Foundation is much like Grade 5 Exam, and most moves are basic.

How many ballet classes a week should i be doing to help me get into a ballet school?

such as the royal ballet/ english national ballet/rambert schools when i am 16.

should i be doing other types of dance too?

what are all the types of dance i should be doing and how often should i be doing them?

How many ballet classes a week should i be doing to help me get into a ballet school?headache


It would help to have more old are you now, how many classes a week are you taking now, are you studying at a reputable school with professional or degreed teachers? I would be happy to help you if I had more information. I have danced professionally and have been teaching for many years.

How many ballet classes a week should i be doing to help me get into a ballet school?paramount theater opera theater

Do you have a specific school in mind? Sometimes they have requirements on their website. I'd say at least 2-4 classes a week but I'm not too sure
Hi, although I'm not a dancer I figure that I can quite easily answer this question for you. I am a martial artist and amatuer gymnast.

When it comes to how many classes a week should you be doing, I believe that you should do as much as possible. If you can do at least one per day plus strength training and practice in your own time. Like I tell people all the time when they ask me what the best exercises to do to punch better, if you want to get good at punching... punch... It would be the same with anything including ballet.

Also doing other forms of dance would help you to increase your range to draw from and to help you to stop from getting bored in training the same things over and over again, but just remember that they are not your focus and don't let them take up too much time or your ballet may suffer instead of being improved.

So if you want it and you want it bad, work as hard as you can on it, if you want it bad enough and practice hard enough you can have it.
if you are already dancing and wish to continue into a more advanced level, then you should already know this answer. if not, then you won't make it. 5-6 classes per week.
A minimum of 5 90 minute ballet classes/week plus 2 1hour pointe classes - MORE IS BETTER. You might consider a Jazz or Modern class just for something different. You should know this by now....ask your teachers. You are aiming VERY high for dance education. Make sure you have the talent, motivation and training from the very best dance studio in your area, and prepare for disappointment. Eat a balanced diet, stay injury free. Competition for school slots and ballarina jobs is murderous.
do as much classes as you can and also different types of dance ; it would be great if you could dance for at least 4-5 hours a day (classical ballet every day!)
you should probally be doing at least 14 hrs. and you should do ballet and pointe.

Boy in ballet?

At lunch, me and my friend were arguing in the washroom about whether or not it's a good idea to put a boy in ballet. I said it'd be very cool and trendy, but my friend said that it's gonna turn the kid gay. And then she said that her future kid, Fat Hank was gonna beat up my future kid who will be in ballet. So what do you think? About putting a boy in ballet?

Boy in ballet?plays

I bet her future son, Fat Hank, wouldn't be able to catch your son even to beat him up. If you put him in ballet he will become very physically fit and get to hang around girls a lot. Is that gay?

Boy in ballet?opera ticket opera theaterit depends on ballet in a tutu or ballet in tights. Report It

well if the boy asked to be in ballet, why not? Plus, if he's gay-he was born that way-ballet ain't gonna turn him gay! If he's straight-think of the boy to girl ratio-he'll get lots of dates lol!
Hey if the boy likes it then he should go for it! It wont' turn him gay.......poeple might judge him but who cares what other people think
My brother did ballet and it helped him find girls to talk to. Quite the opposite of gay. And I dont think you can "turn" gay, I think you are born that way.
Ok, your friend is an cannot "turn someone gay." You are gay or your aren't. I have several gay friends and none of them took ballet. I also have some lesbian friends who never played hockey.

I wouldn't put my kid in ballet (male or female) unless they expressed an interest in it. Children are not fashion symbols and doing something with your child to be trendy is just as dumb as thinking you can make someone gay.
i think its cute for little boys, maybe teaches them sensitivity. Not so much for older boys though, sorry
My daughter takes Jazz, Tap and Ballet and there is a boy in her Jazz and Tap and he's in a different ballet class. I see nothing wrong with it at all. You would never look at this boy and think there is anything feminine about him, in fact he has a stocky build. The ballet program here doesn't have enough boys so when they have a production, like Swan Lake, they tap into the local high school wrestling and football teams. Those guys do great in the productions and I doubt that anyone would question their masculinity! It comes down to this, if it's something your future son would like to do, then let him do it! Try it out when he's young, he'll either take to it or not, it's important to let kids try several different things so they can find the things they enjoy and are good at.

P.S.- There is one teenage boy that is in ballet, and I've seen him around the girls and he is very flirty with them, and they seem to like him too, in fact he probably has more luck with girls than most of his friends!
i was in ballet and boys were in my class yes i'm a girl but my friend is a boy and in ballet and he is not gay
Eh...just tell her her future kid is going to get beat up plenty with the name Fat Hank.
at least your kid can outrun the fat hank
i think that it would be a good idea to put a boy in ballet because it build his coordination and physical strength. Male ballerinas are extremely strong and very buff and good looking.
Putting a child in a certain type of class (like dance or theatre or art) or allowing them to play with a certain type of toy is not going to "turn them gay." You can't "turn" a person gay. They either are gay or's not something you can's a part of who they are inside. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a boy taking a dance class if it is something he is interested in. He will learn something about music, improve his coordination and become more cultured and well-rounded.
I think putting a boy in a ballet is perfectly fine.

If he shows interest in dancing, then let him go!

You can't "turn" a kid gay anyway. It's an innate feeling.

And of course it's possible that there will be people who will make fun of him and laugh, but there are plenty of male dancers!

As long as he wants to dance, why not let him?
I think you need a new friend! Not only does your friend seem to believe that people 'turn' gay, but she seems to think that's not a desirable thing, and seems to think that violence solves problems. Lots of football player take ballet; is her future son going to beat up NFL players, too?
Well, for sure it won't "Turn him gay". There is no such thing. People might talk about him, so you take him to karate on alternate days and teach him how to kick their a$$es. That is easy enough.
ballet does not make someone gay.

let the kid pick what activities to join.

for a well-rounded child, i'd say ballet/gymnastics/figure skating and basketball/baseball/track.
If that's what he enjoys, then sobeit. I have a friend who's son is in ballet. People have said things, but then again, don't they always? I seriously doubt it would "make him gay!"
What wrong with that. I see MEN in ballet class all the time. There all over the stages and belong to ballet academys. They started somewhere. They started as a boy in ballet. If you want a different spin on ballet. Try gymnastics. When the boys grow into men they are very bulit and strong. And they learn cool flips to ''show off'' at school. They get ''nice'' abs. :P
I think it's great. Both gay men and straight men are ballet dancers so no, dancing won't make him gay. That's just ignorance speaking and I would ignore it.

Why do we tell little girls they can do anything a boy can do but we neglect to tell little boys they can do anything a girl can do. It goes both ways. We need to give our sons the same encouragement we give our daughters.
gay, gay, gay, gay ,gay

lol sorry but its true
u guiiz r so jkz! of cous dis lil boii iz gon bee gay! LOLLOLOLOLZZ!!

lyk, ur lyk, born that way. LOLOLOLOL!!!LOLO!11
My daughters were in dance classes for years and they would have a recital each spring. There were a couple boys amongst the hundreds of girls and every time they came on stage there would be lots of whispers and giggles throughout the crowd. There would be comments made about them being gay or gay in training. I thought it was cruel but could not be avoided if you put your son in that situation.

I need ballet tips!!!!?

So, I haven't taken ballet in about three years and want to start again in the Autumn. I really need to get my flexibility and strength back. I also need to prepare for pointe because I had an evaluation about two weeks ago and the teacher said I needed more strenth in my ankles than I would be ready. Does any one have sugestions for stretches, strength excerscises and other ballet related things. (Stretches can inclube a ballet barre, I have one)

I need ballet tips!!!!?ms stress

I'm a ballet dancer, too. here are some stretches for strength and flexibility:

Flexibility: - Find an open area of wall. Lay down on your

back and put your butt up against the wall. Put

your legs in a straddle and hold it for 3-5 minutes.

- Put the soles of your feet together while sitting on

the ground and bend forward.

- Lay down on your stomach and put the soles of

your feet together. Hold for about 2-3 minutes.

Strength: - Lay on your back and put your hands behind your

head. Use your stomach to lift sit halfway up. Do

this repeatedly to the beat of a fairly fast song.

- Put your feet under a low couch or have them held

by a friend. Lay on your stomach and put your

arms in fifth. Use your back to lift yourself off the

ground. Hold for 4 counts for 7 times; hold for 8

counts on your eighth set.

Pointe: - One word: theraband! You can buy them at

Walmart. Flex and point your toes with the band

around your arches.

Hope I helped! :)

I need ballet tips!!!!?home theater system opera theater

to work on flexibility you need to have every second you have be used on stretching.

first i would estimate how far away you are from your splits...then pile up some pillows that meet that estimate...and do your splits on them. this takes the strain off your arms and focusses purly on your stretching.

for your ankles:

therabands therabands therabands!

do some ankle rolls with it.

and also just start with your foot flat and then pointe it slowly...going from demi pointe to full with the theraband on the ball of your foot.
Make sure you stretch EVERY SINGLE DAY! Do it in the morning after you wake up for 20 minutes then at night before you go to sleep for another 20 minutes. To help strengthen your feet, ankles, and calves for pointe try doing calf raises: stand on a stair with half of your foot on and the back half of your foot off. Bring your heels as far down as they will go but keeping the front half of your foot on the stair. SLOWLY raise them up and stand on your toes. SLOWLY bring them back down. Repeat 20 times. Then do it on just one foot then on the other another 20 times each.

Also, sit on the ground with your legs stretched straight in front of you. Keeping your heels on the ground, stretch your toes as far as they will go, trying to touch the ground too. That will help your arch a lot.

How many ballet classes a week?

Ok, so I'm 13 years old and I would like to start ballet in the fall. I've only done jazz and tap when I was 7-8 for 2 years and ballet for like half a year when I was 4. My dream is to do pointe, so if thats possible, how many ballet classes should I be taking/week to be able to go en pointe eventually. Thanks!!:)

How many ballet classes a week?binoculars

people usually do about 2-3 classes a week.. in order to get to pointe. i did this for 6months and i go onto pointe but it varys from ur people to pepole according to their feet and ankle strenght and arch!

How many ballet classes a week?violin opera theater

I used to take a 45 minute lesson per week and I was on pointe within 6 months
I'm also 13 and I am in Grade 5 Ballet and I've done Jazz for 7 years and Tap for 4 years or so before I quit. I still do Jazz and Ballet though. I started Pointe 7 months ago, and I take 2 ballet classes a week and one hour pointe class a week.
i have been in dance for 5 years w/ two classes a week (1.5 hours each so 3 hours a week......still no pointe
i to am 13, i teach 1 class a week and i say that probably you should take maybe 3-5 classes a week. but check with the studio. I take pointe classes, its my 4th year, but i am a late bloomer because my ankles were not strong enough. the more ballet classes you take will help your ankles be stronger.

hope this helps!
ive done ballet since i was 2. im also 13. in 4th grade i did 2 hours. then last year we did 3 hours of ballet plus 1 hour of pointe. this year we do 2 hours of ballet and 2 hours of pointe. we do the same things in pointe that we do in ballet. so if you wanna do pointe good luck cause its much harder than ballet and you havnt even started ballet yet. take atleast one hour everyday of the week includeing the weekend.
I'd say at least 2-3 hours of ballet a week, but if you wanna strengthen faster you should probably do 4-5 hours.

Ok what's with all these people giving us their life stories. The question was how many ballet classes a week she should take. We don't care how old you are, what level your in or how many hours a week you take classes. Sorry for that rant but it's really bothering me lately.
like 4-5 hours and you'll be one pointe faster and be stronger

Ballet: does anyone know any good ballet tutorial video links?

Something to help you with ballet.

Ballet: does anyone know any good ballet tutorial video links?performing arts center

They have pretty good videos.

Ballet: does anyone know any good ballet tutorial video links?sunshine opera theater

no but i'm goin to the ballet next week. i giot it for my girlfriend as a valentines thing and don't tell anyone but i'm actually looking forward to it a bit....
Google search..
Does this help;_ylt=A...

a friend x
if you search on youtube there are good ones or go to ballet class's

Ballet Flats??

What can ballet flats go with, for example bermuda shorts and a tank or jeans?? And what types of tops can go with flats?? If anyone has pictures of styles with ballet flats then thats great

Ballet Flats??opera score

Tunic tops and Flats look great! Really you can wear flats with anything... Pick up a US Weekly, Star, Glamor magazine... And you will see some cute combinations!!

Ballet Flats??musicals opera theater

Who cares what anybody else thinks...what do YOU think looks good with them?
Anything can go with flats, but casual looks better. I like the look of bermudas or capris with a form fitting collared tee.
They go with just about anything. Besides heels, I wear my ballet flats the most out of all my summer shoes.
They look nice with jeans and a baby T or even a tank top, yeah you could pull it off with shorts and a layered look, that would be cute too.
I wear ballet flats with anything; skirts, capris, etc. You can wear them with any shirt as long as it's cute.
with everything
They go with anything and everything.
yeahh bermuda shorts are good. also with jeans. girls at my school wear them with pretty much anything.
Ballet flats look great with anything and everything. They are great for casual wear

The article here is informative -
Although I don't have any pictures of people with ballet flats and outfits I decided to create an example outfit of what you might wear with ballet flats.

outfit #1:

(just shorts)

You can wear ballet flats with long shorts, jeans, dresses, and skirts, the only thing that's a no no is short shorts and ballet flats, your legs distract from the flats.
I think miniskirts are good. I'm not sure about jeans, just imagine . . ., it'd make you look kind of short, which is ok if you are tall. Maybe not shorts. I am sticking with miniskirts, even if I don't wear them myself.
basically, anything.

if you want to see a HUGE collection of all types of flats, look at the French Sole store. I've been there w/friends and we got so many pairs!


they look particularly good with capri length gouchos.

skin lightening