Thursday, December 10, 2009

Boy in ballet?

At lunch, me and my friend were arguing in the washroom about whether or not it's a good idea to put a boy in ballet. I said it'd be very cool and trendy, but my friend said that it's gonna turn the kid gay. And then she said that her future kid, Fat Hank was gonna beat up my future kid who will be in ballet. So what do you think? About putting a boy in ballet?

Boy in ballet?plays

I bet her future son, Fat Hank, wouldn't be able to catch your son even to beat him up. If you put him in ballet he will become very physically fit and get to hang around girls a lot. Is that gay?

Boy in ballet?opera ticket opera theaterit depends on ballet in a tutu or ballet in tights. Report It

well if the boy asked to be in ballet, why not? Plus, if he's gay-he was born that way-ballet ain't gonna turn him gay! If he's straight-think of the boy to girl ratio-he'll get lots of dates lol!
Hey if the boy likes it then he should go for it! It wont' turn him gay.......poeple might judge him but who cares what other people think
My brother did ballet and it helped him find girls to talk to. Quite the opposite of gay. And I dont think you can "turn" gay, I think you are born that way.
Ok, your friend is an cannot "turn someone gay." You are gay or your aren't. I have several gay friends and none of them took ballet. I also have some lesbian friends who never played hockey.

I wouldn't put my kid in ballet (male or female) unless they expressed an interest in it. Children are not fashion symbols and doing something with your child to be trendy is just as dumb as thinking you can make someone gay.
i think its cute for little boys, maybe teaches them sensitivity. Not so much for older boys though, sorry
My daughter takes Jazz, Tap and Ballet and there is a boy in her Jazz and Tap and he's in a different ballet class. I see nothing wrong with it at all. You would never look at this boy and think there is anything feminine about him, in fact he has a stocky build. The ballet program here doesn't have enough boys so when they have a production, like Swan Lake, they tap into the local high school wrestling and football teams. Those guys do great in the productions and I doubt that anyone would question their masculinity! It comes down to this, if it's something your future son would like to do, then let him do it! Try it out when he's young, he'll either take to it or not, it's important to let kids try several different things so they can find the things they enjoy and are good at.

P.S.- There is one teenage boy that is in ballet, and I've seen him around the girls and he is very flirty with them, and they seem to like him too, in fact he probably has more luck with girls than most of his friends!
i was in ballet and boys were in my class yes i'm a girl but my friend is a boy and in ballet and he is not gay
Eh...just tell her her future kid is going to get beat up plenty with the name Fat Hank.
at least your kid can outrun the fat hank
i think that it would be a good idea to put a boy in ballet because it build his coordination and physical strength. Male ballerinas are extremely strong and very buff and good looking.
Putting a child in a certain type of class (like dance or theatre or art) or allowing them to play with a certain type of toy is not going to "turn them gay." You can't "turn" a person gay. They either are gay or's not something you can's a part of who they are inside. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a boy taking a dance class if it is something he is interested in. He will learn something about music, improve his coordination and become more cultured and well-rounded.
I think putting a boy in a ballet is perfectly fine.

If he shows interest in dancing, then let him go!

You can't "turn" a kid gay anyway. It's an innate feeling.

And of course it's possible that there will be people who will make fun of him and laugh, but there are plenty of male dancers!

As long as he wants to dance, why not let him?
I think you need a new friend! Not only does your friend seem to believe that people 'turn' gay, but she seems to think that's not a desirable thing, and seems to think that violence solves problems. Lots of football player take ballet; is her future son going to beat up NFL players, too?
Well, for sure it won't "Turn him gay". There is no such thing. People might talk about him, so you take him to karate on alternate days and teach him how to kick their a$$es. That is easy enough.
ballet does not make someone gay.

let the kid pick what activities to join.

for a well-rounded child, i'd say ballet/gymnastics/figure skating and basketball/baseball/track.
If that's what he enjoys, then sobeit. I have a friend who's son is in ballet. People have said things, but then again, don't they always? I seriously doubt it would "make him gay!"
What wrong with that. I see MEN in ballet class all the time. There all over the stages and belong to ballet academys. They started somewhere. They started as a boy in ballet. If you want a different spin on ballet. Try gymnastics. When the boys grow into men they are very bulit and strong. And they learn cool flips to ''show off'' at school. They get ''nice'' abs. :P
I think it's great. Both gay men and straight men are ballet dancers so no, dancing won't make him gay. That's just ignorance speaking and I would ignore it.

Why do we tell little girls they can do anything a boy can do but we neglect to tell little boys they can do anything a girl can do. It goes both ways. We need to give our sons the same encouragement we give our daughters.
gay, gay, gay, gay ,gay

lol sorry but its true
u guiiz r so jkz! of cous dis lil boii iz gon bee gay! LOLLOLOLOLZZ!!

lyk, ur lyk, born that way. LOLOLOLOL!!!LOLO!11
My daughters were in dance classes for years and they would have a recital each spring. There were a couple boys amongst the hundreds of girls and every time they came on stage there would be lots of whispers and giggles throughout the crowd. There would be comments made about them being gay or gay in training. I thought it was cruel but could not be avoided if you put your son in that situation.

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