Friday, December 4, 2009

Ballet dancers: How do you stay so skinny?

Anyone who takes ballet: are you on a special diet recommended by your ballet school? How do you stay skinny?

Ballet dancers: How do you stay so skinny?listen to opera

No diet recommended. We don't eat a lot and we're always moving around... But we don't all have eating disorders! I hate it when people think that. We do eat very little though, we're pretty much control freaks about anything that goes into our bodies. And we never stop moving around, even outside of class and rehearsal, so we burn those calories really, really fast.

Personally, I try and eat between 1,000 and 1,500 calories a day (I never try to eat below a thousand, EVER, and I don't mind if I go over 1,500 as long as it stays at or below 2,000). I also do pilates, which is like, a miracle.

Hope I helped!

Ballet dancers: How do you stay so skinny?concert venue opera theater

I think it just that dancing is good exercise.
typically a true ballet dancer is a dancer of ballet because they are naturally long and lean, I have a friend who dances ballet and she is 5'8 and 103....she is very thin, and looses weight if she doesn't eat....
Ballet (or any other performance dancing) is serious exercise. I think I heard on TV that Marie Osmond has lost 30 pounds while training for her Dancing With The Stars gig. Most ballet dancers have heavy muscular legs and light upper bodies.
we dance: 6 days a week 2+ hours a day
I agree with another girl, BALLET IS TOURTURE! But I still love it.
salsa, where do youu get your information from?? where is there a statistic that says that most ballet students have an eating disorder? that's WRONG.

have youu ever tried to dance for twoo+ hours a day%26amp;? eat? you'd die.

the reason we stay so skinny is because our intense workouts burn calories obscenely quickly. we have incredibly fast metabolisms, because our body has to absorb the nutrients from the food almost immediatly to convert it into energy.

most of the tiime, ballet students eat like four hundred pound truckers. we have to, because we have to consume more calories than the average person. know whyy??



so, please, anyone who thinks that ballet students are anorexic or whatev, go spew your uneducated ramblings to other people who are just as clueless as youu. kayythanks.

Well, i know one thing for sure, most dancers dance an average of 5 hrs or more a day, with school and or other work. We are always busy, and food is usualy a snack here or there, we really never sit down and have a thanksgiving size dinner(but the whole sterotype about ballet dancers being anorexic is soooooo...WRONG) Also dance burns lots and lots of calories, we also eat right, but not necessarily a special diet.
Salsa you are wrong... i know very few dancers that have eating disorders... you cant dance for over 2 hours a day and not eat, you would definitley die... like harv. said... but ballet is a very intense workout... maybe some dancers have diets, but not extreme ones... it takes a lot to be a great ballet dancer... hope this helps...
Honestly, I'm not sure how I do it. I guess it's because I dance and figure skate, so I get lots of exercise. I don't eat as healthily as I should though. I'm 5 ft. 3 in. and about 98 pounds at age fourteen. I'm not as strong as some girls in my ballet class, but I'm quite flexible and thin. I'm proud of my body and you should be, too!
lol its not true that because your a ballet dancer you stay skiny it could be any sport

and if you wanna be skinny lik dem den just exercise and youll see ull turn out as skinny as a ballet dancer:]]]]]]
Most are anorexic or bulimic.

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