Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ballet...perfect body shape?

okay so another question about ballet. Someone, as in this real meal little brat in my ballet class told me that only small petite girls make Good ballerinas. I weigh about 105 pounds maybe 107 and I know that's not alot but I'm five-eight and she told me I was too tall to even think about it as a career, not that I am I do it becuse I LOVE are any ballerinas tall and does it really matter? Just curoise as well thanx

Ballet...perfect body shape?greek theater

Hey! dont listen to a jerk like that! I do ballet too and i am the same weight and height and I am a fine dancer and im sure you are too! Some of the best dancers in the company at my dance school are beautiful long and lean dancers. Don't let anyone get you done.

and i also have a brat in my class and she is really fat and is stuck up and tells me im bad at ballet but i ignore her!

Ballet...perfect body shape?performing arts show opera theater

It doesn't matter if you're tall or not. Ballerinas are chosen based on their talent, not their bodies. sound what if your tall....I'm sure there are pros as tall as you. And besides, your just having fun right? She just wants to make you feel bad, don't listen to her. Maybe she's even jealous lol. Are you by any chance better at ballet then her? Even if you aren't though, you can be. Whenever I start feeling as if maybe I don't belong in the class I'm in, I remember I was put in the class for a reason and that I have as much potential as the best person in the class. Don't give up and don't let her intimidate you. HAVE FUN!!!
Unfortunatelly the reality is that a 5'8" ballerina will have to work much harder to "make it".

Think about it. Others want to make you feel good. Do you want to feel good for a half hour, or take a path for the rest of your life where you will be at least honest with yourself? How many prima donna positions in the US? How about the world? Now think about how many 6 year old girls are starting out today to dance, and how many have been doing it for the last decade?

Ballerinas are chosen for their body frame, weight, and height, just as much as their abilities.

I know you did not want to hear this. The problem doesn't rest with that you are too tall, but that male dancers are "too short". More precisely, at an average of 5'9" you would be almost "towering" over the male dancer.

You have to figure that these young males have to lift you - and still be dancing. So most Companies look for sub 5'8" and below 100#.

An other concern the Company might have with your tall frame is that you may gain weight faster then a smaller frame.

However painful this is, and you may not believe it - this is reality.

I suggest looking into modern dance instead of classical. Having a solid classical training of course, is definitely a plus.
dont listen to that brat, she is just telling you that to boost her self esseam, your fine, height has nothin to do with your possibilities, your technique and passion are worth more- if you are so concerned, talk to your teacher, also dont think you need to on a diet, and please, dont become anorexic, i see anorexic dancers everyday and they dont have the strength to take and hour class. Another way to see how healthy you are is by calculating you Body Mass Index (BMI) just google bmi calculator and it will give you a number about how much of your body is fat, and how much is mussle, dancers need lots muscle, and mussle ways more than fat, so weight dosent always tell everything.
go back and smack her in the face. my friend is 5,8 and is a great dancer. you are not heavy smack her, smack her, smack her!!!
She's probably just jealous because you're better than her and she feels threatened by you. If you LOVE it keep doing it and tell her to kiss you a**! She just wants to get to you that's all. Don't let her.
It is true that being shorter is an advantage in general, but some ballet companies prefer taller. I think I've heard of the one in Boston. It really depends on the company and who do they have as soloists. You have to fit in with the rest of the troupe. Or maybe you'll be one of the soloists - that means the rest will hav eto fit in with you. Ignore the little brat. If she has to pull this kind of stuff on you that means she thinks you are a better dancer and she wants to demoralize you.
If you love the dance, who cares how tall you are? Part of being a great dancer is the "passion" for it. Wouldn't it be great to see you "the tall beautiful ballerina", as the Sugar Plum Fairy in the Nutcracker one day????? You can do it, never let the nay sayers bring you down. Keep moving forward and forget about that negative energy!
5'8" is on the tall side for a ballerina - but is NOT TOO TALL for a career, George Blanchine LOVED tall female dancers. 5'8" is a perfect height for corps de abllet and sollist dancers. That height is not to tall to dance pas de deux either. One of my first partners was 6' tall and weighed in at over 130 lbs. and we had NO problems dancing because she could jump - (whew). It also helped that I was over 6' tall and was a lean 195 lbs. (I could bench press 350lbs). Some shorter dancers are hard to handle particularly if they are compact and muscular and their male partner is really tall. Dancing a good pas de deux is based on a lot of things that are not measurable.

The bottom line is that if you have the feet, you will have the job....Good Luck to you and don't poopheads at your studio give you a hard time - particularly if they don't know what they are talking about....
I know A LOT of women who would KILL to be 5'8" and weigh 105. Too tall to dance ballet? PLUH-LEEEEZZZ!! This girl is obviously jealous of you and wants to discourage you. People like her shouldn't breed! ;~)

You keep dancing. Don't let what other people say about you take away from the enjoyment dancing gives you. Tall dancers are EVERYWHERE and in every type of dance.

Keep dancing and good luck! :)
boby type does not matter and i would think that the taller people would do better professionally, they normally do
Certain companies are picky and won't choose you because you're too tall. However, many now are going by your talent, not your looks. Keep it up!
You don't need a perfect body shape to be a ballerina. It does not matter how tall you are either. If anything it is probably a good thing. Not all ballerinas are tall, I am 14 and only 5'1" and I am a ballerina.. So it does not matter. Hope this helped!
You are absolutely fine just the way you are. There are many tall, successful ballerinas out there. Height doesn't really matter. Just ignore that brat. She's just trying to put you off, because she feels threatened. I wish i could name some tall successful ballerinas, because i have heard the names.. But i can't really remember. The only thing that matters is that you have good technique. If you're good enough to make people jealous of you, you're good enough to become a pro. Just keep practicing and don't let the other girls get you down. Just focus on you and your dancing. And remember, that you're better than that girl and if she's jealous enough to tell you that you can't become a professional dancer, then she must've compared herself to you and found that you were better. She's trying to out-dance you, but innocence is the key. Don't get into a fight with her. The next time she makes one of those mean comments, just tell her that you go to dance classes to dance, not to talk. If she says something after that, just ignore her.

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