Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ballet flat feet?

I am in ballet 9x a week and 2 of those classes are pre-pointe. Since I am flat footed, i don't have a nice arch that is supportive. I want to have a better arch by the time i get my pointe shoes.

What can i do to correct this?

What about arch supports for ballet from Discount Dance?

Ballet flat feet?concert tickets

Well,you can always take up tap dancing.

Ballet flat feet?theater seating opera theater

Consult a foot doctor.
arch supports supports ur arch, if you do not have them it wont do any good.

try stretching your feet and pointing and flexing. : ]
well when i was on pre point about 3 years ago i didnt have flat feet, my feeet had a good arch, but my best friend and i did some stretches with those bands and her arch is more supportive and her feet are stronger.
way i found that works the best is to get a soup can and put your foot on it and roll your foot over it back and fourth (sounds weird i know but it reallll y works!!!) the more you do it the better your arch will become. hope this helps it has always helped me.
I suggest following the link below. Look under "Accessories" and go to the last page. There will be a thermaband in medium, heavy, and super heavy weights, and a pro arch. Good luck!!
i am in ballet and i am flat footed.

from pointing so hard with my feet. i am beginning to get muscle. it makes it look like i have a little arch.
If you'd like help correcting your flat feet, contact me:
You sound just like me.........

You dont really need high arches to be on point (I have got mine about a month ago) You just need to be strong enough to support yoursrlf, especially your ankles, I need to push my ankles extra to get over my toes all the way

It is good to work on strengthining your arch but its not needed to be high for pointework

Good luck
i heard this works wonderfully.

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