Friday, December 4, 2009

Ballet better than everything else?

Why is a country or a foreign culture not considered to have "high level culture" if it doesn't have venues for ballet or opera, and the like? And why are dancers not taken seriously if they haven't had some type of ballet training? Do any other dancers feel this way?

It makes me angry because that sentiment just craps on any other equally beautiful, cultural dances around the world.

Ballet better than everything else?imax theater

Ballet isn't better. Yes it gives poise, etc. But too many years of dancing ballet can ruin a lot of dancer's style when they attempt other dances. If you enjoy dance, you should try get an all-round experience, trying out many styles. I found a little ballet gave me a good foundation for latin and ballroom, and that in term gave me an even better foundation for other dances. But you definitely do not HAVE to do ballet. And it is not for everyone.

Oh and I find ballet hugely lacking in terms of enabling self-expression, what I truly love about dance. Except for a very few fare amazing ballet dancers. But otherwise I find it pretty flat.

Ballet better than everything else?classical music opera theater

because ballet teaches so much like poise and grace and all that
Ballet is not better than everything else. I think thats what the "snooty" people would like to consider the "snooty" dance lol. It IS beautiful but I don't understand...I don't even really know how to put my feelings into words right now. Personally I like contemporary because I "feel" the meaning of the stories more.
Because there is a discipline and blending of styles which are not found in other forms of dance, and which would apply to other forms of dance in developing the skills involved in them. To learn ballet, then, and to have it performed speaks of a greater sophistication, both of the performer and the audience.
Easy response...Western European culture is superior to all the others.
i wouldnt say its better than cultural dances but it takes so much disiplin and training years and years to perfect it im a dancer of ballet,tap ,jazz,hip hop , bellydancing ballet is very difficutl u must have strength make every move look like its easy when its so hard u have to be graceful and strong and flexible
I wouldn't say ballet is better than everything else, but a lot of dancer's aren't taken seriously if they don't have ballet training. This is because ballet is the base of all types of dance- it teaches proper placement, and it really helps with strength and flexibility, and looks beautiful, all at the same time. Ballet isn't my favorite type of dance though, so I can definitely see where you're coming from.
ballet is just considered a very traditional form of dance...its not normally thought of as better or worse, its just different. and the thing about dancers not being taken seriously if they don't have a ballet background isn't so true anymore...hip hop dancers get work, lyrical/modern/contemporary dancers get work, tappers get work...theres work for every style if people are looking to find it.
I'm not trying to offend anyone but I do think ballet is THE QUEEN OF DANCE, is not "better" but it's simply the base of other dances, if ballet didn't exist most dances around the world wouldn't exist as we know them, and plus ballet is probably the most difficult, challenging, exciting, graceful,elegant dance of all, it takes years and years to perfect, real pasion and determination to last, and even if you have it, if your body type is not right neither will your technique so you put an enormous amount of time, energy, effort, disciplin, but when you're on stage the audience doesn't need to know that, they see grace, beauty, sophystication,joy and pasion, that is why it's still considered for "classy people", it doesn't mean the other dances aren't but what are we going to do about it...
anyone can shake their booty but ballet takes a LOT of work. i don't think it's better, it's just more sophisticated.

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