Friday, December 4, 2009

Ballet lovers??!?!?

ok so i wanna start ballet

should i? is it fun? is it a good challenge?

does it tone your body and make you strong? do you have to be skinny to do it? what would you wear to ballet lessons?

does it cost a lot of money for lessons? will i be able to join at the age of 13? would i be paired up with other people

who are 13 who just started or like 5 year olds who started? thanks!

Ballet lovers??!?!?greek theater

You don't have to be skinny to take ballet, so don't let anyone tell you otherwise. In comparison to any other lessons you might want to take, ballet lessons are no more expensive. But if you want to catch up to people your age, you should take several classes a week at different levels, which includes the beginners class with 8 year olds. But I knew a girl your age who started ballet by taking several levels at once and she was able to pass out of the beginners class in 6 months. You just have to be willing to work hard to do that.

Call up all the ballet studios in your area and talk to the director to see how their classes are structured, what you'd have to wear, costs, etc. Ballet is definitely a good challenge and can be great fun AFTER you get the hang of it for a bit. Don't expect it to be fun at the very beginning. It's like learning a new language, but a language that can show you how to fly.

Ballet lovers??!?!?performing arts show opera theater

If is a very good challange it is a very hard thing to do.. my bf thought that it was just ballet... until i taught him some of the things we learn adn he was like "damn this is hard!" It will make your body really tone and strong... mostly in your legs.

you do not have to be skinny to do it!!!!

when you go to a ballet lesson usually you wear tights ( white or suntan) but you need to get the dancer tights you can find these in any danceing store,

you need a leotard... some places perfer a color some dont...

and shorts, or a skirt.. or you can just wear a leotard.

also you need ballet slippers... whereever you decided to go chekc with there requirements some tell you you need black ones some say pink and some just dont care.

you can find all these things on the web too

At 13 your will be able to start and alot of places offer beg balle for adults so you will prob be paired up with them.. but 95% of the time there are students from the age of 13-19
Slow down! Yes you should start it! It makes u toned and maybe you could get stronger. It stretches u out. It doesn't cost a lot, unless you go to a expensive fancy one. You don't have to be skinny to do it but probably would perfer skinny to medium not to overweight. You wear a black leotard, pink tights and ballet shoes ( not points but the slippers). Yes, you'll probably be with a few people your age. It depends on your center duh! Think what center you want and ASK the director. Don't ask people online who have no idea where u are or what state or country your in. So chill.
I just do do ballet for about 7 years.

I thought it was fun, and I loved going every time, it's always a nice feeling when you've succeeded a dance.

I makes you a little stronger yes, and it will do only good for your body.

nope you don't have to be skinny, (of course not) and I wasn't either.

you wear.. ok I have no idea how to say that in English :P it's like a bathing suit.. ok that sounds weird, but you know the random stuff, and ballet shoes of course. but if you go to a local ballet school, I'm sure they''ll inform you.

you're never to old to join, and yes you'll be put with children about your age, but don't worry, I started when i was very young, and so I saw many children coming and going, and they were put in a class that had much more experience too, but the teacher will help you the first few times, and it's no problem if you can't do it at first. but trust me you'll catch up quick!

hope this was any help!
Okay, yes, ballet is a very hard type of dance. It is not something you can just pick up just like that. It is something that you have to have tons of practice with. There are so many techniques, and presise movements in ballet, that it can sometimes be overwhelming. If you are not a patient person, I would recommend it, because it takes alot of patience. It is fun, once you get the techiques correct, and it does make you strong. To answer your question about what to wear, you should make sure that you always have the correct ballet attire which usually consits of a leotard, pink or tan tights, a ballet skirt or shorts, and appropriate ballet slippers. Hope you do well!

Good Luck!
ballet is pretty cool i took lessons before but i had to stop because i was moving and where i live now dont have people who do ballet.ballet is a pretty fair challenge too it makes your body both strong an flexible and keeps u in shape, and u dont have to be skinny to do ballet. u need pink or white tights and usually black or pink ballet tops,ballet shoes, sometime leopards and stretchy shorts (u can find those in clothing store an also dance stores). there are places where u can learn ballet for reasonable price, u can check on the internet to help u find places,and yes u will be able to join and u dont have to do ballet with people as young as 5 more like 12,13,14 at most so u should be good.

hope this helps :D.
Hey there! : ) 13 is an absolutely fine age to start ballet. In fact, we have adults in our studio who just started. It's too late to become professional, but never too late to start dancing.

It is very fun. Sometimes it can be challenging and frustrating, but once you have mastered something, you just feel really great. Depending on what types of things you like, you might like the jumps the best and more upbeat stuff. But maybe you're like me and like the more graceful movements that flow together really well.

It's a huge challenge if you want to be really good. I'm the second top dancer in my studio this year. It's taken me 11 years to get where I am today and I'm still working on lots of things. You've never really ever completely mastered something..there's always something you can do better..and that's the fun of it.

Yes, it does great things for your body. It helps you lose weight in a healthy manner (as long as you're eating healthy and enough as well). It can make you very strong, but it's all lean muscle which is great. Your legs and ankles are especially strong. Just be careful not to hyperextend things. don't have to be skinny. People get the wrong picture when they think of ballet dancers. They think of someone who is super thin (like almost anorexic). That's the case for me, but I know a lot of dancers who have gone on to be very successful and they weren't really very thin.

What would you wear? It depends on the company/studio. Usually a black leotard over pink tights. And then you have flat shoes too. (canvas or leather) I prefer leather because they last longer.

Cost? Hmm..depends on what class you're in. I'd say it would be anywhere from $50-80 a month. Maybe a bit more or less.

Most studios have a beginning adult/teen class so you'd be put in something like that.

Feel free to email me if you have any further questions. I love answering dance questions. : )
Yes, you should. It is so hard, but so rewarding. It does tone your body and make you strong. If you want to be professional you have to be a twig, but you don't to take lessons. Most studios require you to wear pink ballet slippers, pink tights, and black leotards. Hair pulled back in a pony tail, or preferably a bun. Some studios let you wear leg warmers and a ballet skirt. It depends on what studio how much lessons cost. At mine, an hour of class a week is 50 dollars a month. You will definately be able to join as a 13 year old. You might be paired up with younger girls, but most studios have a beginner class for teenagers.

Wow. Lotsa questions. To help with the inevitable question that I know you will ask soon...

No, you can't do pointe work yet. You have to be dancing in ballet for at least a year, and have good enough technique and strong enough ankles. Your teacher will tell you when you can do pointe. If they try and put you on pointe right away, switch studios. If they do that, they just want money and you will seriously hurt yourself.
if you wanna dance of course you should. yes it is a challenge and yes it tones your body and makes you strong. and it doesnt matter what your weight is. typically you would wear pink tights, pink FLAT ballet shoes if you are a beginner and a leotard. (it depends on your studio's specifications) ballet is not super expensive, and yes you can join at 13, and you would probably be paired with people your age if not a little younger. you would not be put in a 5 year old class because that would be cruel.
its soo much fun

its a really good chalenge

it makes ur muscles so strong i could not belive how dancing ballet 2 days every week for the whole year last year imporved my hip hop

No u dont have to be skinny

u wear a body suit and pink tights and pink ballet shoes

probably it depends on ur dance studio.
If you want to, go for it!

It's fun, it's a good challenge.

It makes your body very strong.

You don't have to be skinny.

To my ballet lessons, I wear:

-black bodysuit


-pink ballet slippers

-"flashdance" off-one-shoulder sweater

it doesn't cost a lot where I go, including costume.

you will be able to join. you might be put with younger kids,

maybe 11 year olds. you probably won't be paired up.
Ballet is fun. You should try it. You don't have to be skinny. It would be good to be skinny but you don't have to be. It is a good challenge. It does tone your body and make you strong. To ballet lessons, you should wear:

*A simple leotard. Possibly pink, black, white, blue or any color.

* sometimes they may wear a short skirt over it.

* Tights

* Ballet slippers

It does cost a lot of money for lessons but it's worth it. Yes you will be able to join at the age of 13. No you wouldn't be paired up with other people till you are really good. I started when I was 3. I'm 13 now.
ballet is AMAZING i love it. It makes you have VERY strong legs unless you want to be professional it doesn't matter if you just want to have fun, you have to wear a leotard the colour depends on where you do ballet and then pink tights/socks (not BRIGHT pink lol) you can find places that it wont cost lots of money to get lessons, you can start at 13 but not professionally (sorry) and it will depend on your dance school but theyll try and put you wiht ppl your age

hope this helps!!

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