Friday, December 4, 2009

Ballet for Beginners?

I am 23 years old, not in the least bit flexible, never taken a dance class in my life (in fact, I am especially uncoordinated) and I want to take a ballet class! Is this a bad idea all around for me to even try? I'm afraid that I will just not be able to do it! Has anyone else with similar experiences to me taken an adult beginner ballet class? If so, how did it go and would you recommend it?

Ballet for Beginners?performing arts center

I would definitely recommend taking the class! It's generally not that difficult to find a local adult class for beginners. I didn't start taking dance lessons until I was sixteen, and it was a great experience. People in adult classes are usually more interested in learning the moves than younger people, and they're more dedicated to learning and appreciating the art.

You seem like you've put a lot of thought into this. If you can afford the class (taking into consideration the outfits, shoes, and make up you may have to purchase) and are sure it's what you want, don't hesitate.

Best of luck to you!

Ballet for Beginners?sunshine opera theater

I'm sure if you called the local rec center, they'd have some suggestions. I took ballet from when I was two til I was fourteen. I was never very good, but lots of people comment on my posture. I know ballet helped me immensely with that. I think you should try. Who cares if you don't become a prima ballerina or something, it's still very worth the experience.
I once taught a ballet class for four years to adult students in their 30's with absolutely no experience. Everyone in the class was able to learn, exercise, gain flexibility, balance and have fun while doing it.

Ballet class can be a little challenging in the beginning. Be patient and try it for a few months before deciding if it's right for you or not. Also, find a small, slow-moving class with a teacher who is very patient and will take the time to show you proper technique and alignment.
YES YES YES YES YES!! I'm 24 and my mum is in her late 50's we have both just started ballet for beginners class in Sydney. Its great they don't expect you to be flexible, coordinated for anything. Find an adult ballet class and go along and try it! Ballet is great fun and its good for your body. Sure its hard at first there are so many parts of your body that need to go in different places but eventually you will get the hang oit!! In short TRY IT IT'S GREAT FUN!!
well i am 13 and i would recomend it. im just telling you right now that it puts a lot of stress on ur body and ur feet r going to hurt. ur back will definantly feel flexible. give it a go!
you should definatley take an adult beginners class!!! flexibility really willn't be an issue i would think, especially for beginner classes. i'm not the least bit flexible and have been doing ballet for years, it does help. as for your uncoordination I'm guessing that ballet classes would help you out. So take the class, and have fun with it!!! : )
I started (again) when I was in my 50's in an adult class. I left all notions of an ego at the door and tried the best I could. I gained a lot of flexibility, and increased my muscle tone a lot. A patient teacher really helps and you will have to keep practicing when you are home. I recommend it highly.

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