Friday, December 4, 2009

Ballet beginner first lesson?

i am having my first ballet lesson tomorow(private), and i have just remebered i didnt ask what to wear!!!

i am totally stuck. what would be ok to wear as a substitue, i have soft ballet shoes???

please help

Ballet beginner first lesson?ballet

awww omg!!! dont worry at allll!!!!! %26lt;3333

My mom was a professional ballerina for 20 years, THis is what she told me to wear:

HAIR: pull your hair back off your face, a bun. You want the bun to be at the top back of your head (not striaght ontop it would look stupid) tie your hair in a pony tail than twist it into a bun. Bobby pin your bun down securely. THan you want to hairspray all your hair back off your face.

AT LEAST: (if you dont want 2 do the 'dress code' just make sure you pull ALL your hair up off your face. and out of your way) (once you dance more and get better you can have more freeodm with the dresscode. IF your at a FANcy studio; usually you stick to the code even when ur really good. its essential%26lt;3333)

Ok; next

CLOTHES: pink tights, black leotard, pink ballet flats.

Make sure you take off ALL your jelwery before hand.

IF YOU DONT: have ballet a 'uniform' (or ballet clotheS) wear fitted, tight, black stretch pants (at leazt thats what we do in jazz) so you can see your legs (you want to be able to see ifyour doing the right form %26amp; ect) I would say to wear a Extremely fitted spagetti strap top. + your shoes.

MAKE SURE TO BRING: a jacket, sweats (for over your tights if your wearing the uniform) [you can take them off once your in the studio and the lesson starts]

ONCE you get better: you'll probably start to bring a bag. FIll it with: water, warmup clothes, leg warmers, extra jacket/ sweat pants, sewing kit, tights, female products, advil and pain relivers, bandaids, food, a spare leotard (yes i was always VERyy prepared when i danced), LOTS of extra hair pins and stuff, makeup, hairspray (small container), homework (yea; we pratically lived at our dance studios, but it depends on where you learn..)

Hey; good luck, dont worry to much. just try your best. you'll do great%26lt;333

Ballet beginner first lesson?globe theater opera theater

usually black leotard and pink tights is the default. Oh and wear your ballet shoes.
some places just require you to wear comfortable clothing.. like leggings, stretch pants, and a tank top, nothing too baggy tho
black leotard

sports bra (black works best)

pink dance tights (convertable)

ballet shoes (your soft ones)

ballet skirt (black is most resonable)

hair in bun(so it doesn't get in your eyes)

leg warmers (optional- it might be cold)

no jewerly! (it gets in the way)

Wear Leggings,Legwarmers,a Sweatshirt and well socks...

really u can wear anything on your first lesson and probably buy a uni after...

I dno wat kidna shoes to wear maybe jazz shoes but if u dnt have just wear socks...

You could always just call in the morning hehe


i've done this plenty of times [come unprepared for dance class....]

but it's usually black leotard and pink/white tights....

as a substitute you can wear shorts/tanktop and ballet tight

but since it's your first lesson and it's in private it won't really matter--you won't be embarrased at other's attire and the teach can tell you what you really need for next time....
The shoes are the most important thing!!

Something comfortable but not to baggy as your teacher will want to see your posture etc .Three quaters lenghts would be good as your teacher will want to see your feet to see if they are turned out. tie your hair up and wear something you can move easily in! good luck!
If your not looking for anything special, go with a black leotard and flshtone/pink tights. If you have a more daring style, get a colored leotard and fleshtone tights...

Have fun and i hope you love dance!
well.. my studio is REALLY strict..

we MUST wear..

NO leg warmers

NAVY bodysuit


hair in a perfect bun (BOBBY PINS, HAIR NETS, the whole bit!!)

if you wear a sweater it MUST have NO zippers, NO hoods, NO pockets, and NOT loose!!(a shrug is recomended!!!

pink split sole canvas shoes..

NO skirts/pants/shirts (NO EXEPTIONS)

and i think thats it..

wait!! NO jewlery (watches rings NOTHING)

btw.. i do russian ballet!!

i would recomend calling the studio cuz you don't want to mess up what you wear (the teacher will take it personally and think your not serious!!)


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