Thursday, December 10, 2009

What should I know about starting ballet?

Im 12 and starting ballet in september (by then ill be 13 years old) and i've got some problems... My hair is short and i don't know how to do a ballet bun. I notice that when i see ballet of TV, they're all very skinny and in shape, should i start eating healthier. Are there anything i should know about first starting ballet (it's my first time doing dance)? Also, do you have to do ballet first before you can start pointe? What do they first tell you the first class. HELP!!... please

What should I know about starting ballet?lyric opera

hii i'm a ballet dancer too soo here:

-if you have short hair just put it in a tiny pony tail (if you can) and clip the strands that hang down

-if you have superrr short hair just wear a rubberbandish skinny headband= i'm sure it will be fine :]

-starting ballet you don't have to be skinny (in shape depends on what level class you are in) because if you aren't skinny or in shape, ballet gets you like that!! i am reallyyy skinny and never worry about what i'm going to eat because ballet is super healthy for you .. but if you want to start eating healthy: thats fine just you don't have to

-if you are at a serious dance studio you have to wear tights and a black leotard.. etc. you can also wear dance sweaters and dance sweaters if its cold

-if you are at a not so serious studio wear tight clothing like shorts and a tank top.. call the studio and ask if you don't know

-get ballet slippers from your local dance store: i would get canvas with split soles.. those are probably the best.. if you don't know what that is just ask the person at the store they will know

-dance is a lot of hard work and at first you might get confused and have to watch other ppl but you will get the hang of it and is really fun (i do it 5 days a week!)

-you HAVE to start ballet before going on pointe!

-i went on pointe two years ago and this is now my tenth year of dancing.. so you have to work hard for it

-you need very very strong ankles and if your teacher thinks you are ready, they will tell you

-it will take about two years to get on pointe (about-if you try hard) but not all dancers go on pointe

-every teacher tells you different things in your first class.. they will probably have you try out a class and see if thats for you or maybe there is a beginners class to take so there will be other beginners and it will be the beginning of dancing (duh lol)

-don't worry about it.. it is sooo much fun, really. good luck and have fun!

What should I know about starting ballet?imax theater opera theater

First of all you dont have to do a bun if your hair is too short just pull it back as tightly as you can. The reason you put your hair back is because when you are doing a turn you have to spot so you wont get dizzy and your hair would only get in the way. You do not have to be any certain size to do ballet just make sure you are healthy so that you can get the most out of the class. You ususally arent allowed to do point on your first year because your feet have to get used to it. I took ballet for 7 years and i was never allowed to so point beacuse my instuctor said that you have to wait until you are 14 or 15 so that your feet can develope properly...Just make sure you have fun. Thats the most important thing- hope this helps
i started ballet when i was i'm 13

T.V. does don't have to be all skinny to do ballet, you just need to be healthy

if you have short hair, pull it back by clips,that is what my studio does.

Pointe doesn't come in the first year. My teacher thinks next year i'll be ready for it. you have to have really strong ankles from what i hear.

Ballet is pretty hard. you have to practice correctly to be able to get the moves.

My friend always says (she's on pointe) "if ballet were easier it would be called football"

but you'll be able to do ballet if i can.

from my expierience, doing some other type of dance too may help with your ballet skills. (i do jazz and hip hop on top of ballet.) i'm not sure this will help, but that's how i do it.

hope this helps! have fun!
You do need to be healthy and in shape, but that doesn't mean you have to be rail thin. Strong and healthy is different for everyone. About your hair, just pull it back as tighly as possible until it grows out longer. There is a type of bun for short hair dancers, though! You pull it into a ponytail (even if it's a small one) then divide it into four sections and fold each section under and pin it. It's like folding flower pedals inside out, if that makes sense. Sometimes you have to situate a few pieces of hair to make it all look connected when you're done. It's called a four-leaf clover bun. ;)

Ballet most definantly comes before pointe. Your teacher will help you prepare for pointe and tell you when to start. Don't worry, don't rush, and work hard! Good luck, girl!
Ok, EVERYTHING that you just named i had the SAME thing! i started when i was 12 and 8 months old! lol, i had my hair up to my chin so i pulled it back in some up some down (half and half) then with the rest of the hair i pulled in a pony tail or just left it alone. make sure you dont become a stick, u need to be strong for ballet. as far as pointe shoes, i started ballet at a level with 8 yr olds, and i was 12 soo i wasnt very fun but i worked really really really hard and was moved up 3 levels so when i was 13 i was with kids my age, and about a month ago my teacher moved me up to Pointe and i am 14 BUT I have very strong legs and i work hard in class, so practice and you can get them soon! good luck! its sooo fun!
i've been doing ballet for 5 years im 16. It's something that you are going to have to take seroiusly. I have short hair also so you don't always get it into a bun you can buy fake buns for like $5 at the store,the skinny and eating healthier part though really depends on how strict your studio is. But it doesn't hurt to be skinny and eat a little healthier. I'm not going to lie I do eat fast food and drink pop just not huge huge huge amounts. If you have any more questions mesg me on my aim account or myspace.
you have to do ballet b4 pointe. you also have to do pre point to make your feet and legs trained and strong. I am 11 and my teacher says i am a few weeks away from my pointe shoes!! you should grow your hair out this summer then you will be able to do a bun. how to do one:

you need bobby pins and an elastic and a brush

1. brush your hair in a neat and tight pony with the elastic

2. take the hair and wrap it around the pony

3. secure with bobby pins (found at drug stores)

you really dont have to be skinny to do ballet, those are just pros on tv and eat for what they are doing. you should also purchase a body suit along with some pink tights(leotards). they might first tell you the basic steps: point, tondue, plie and more.

it is quite easy. i have been doing ballet since i was 4. hope i helped!- dolphinword1
Remember to smile. You will make mistakes but that is part of learning. You will be learning a lot of new French terms and will have to remember them. You'll start the class out by stretching, then more stretching at the barre, and some in-place footwork, and then moves across the floor. Most likely you will feel very uncomfortable with some of the moves. Remember, it is okay to make mistakes because that is how you learn! Listen to the teacher, and try not to talk when she is talking. You will most likely have to wear a leotard and tights with ballet flats. The school will let you know what you need.

The ballerinas you see on tv are professional and are used to dancing all the time. It takes years of practice to dance like they do. Try to copy what they do if you can (now, don't do a triple turn or any leaps without knowing how to do them or else you could get hurt!) Happy dancing!
For your hair, pull it back into a ponytail if possible. If you can't, just clip the front part back so it won't get in the way when you're dancing. You don't have to prepare for classes by eating any differently, though you should have a nutritious snack before class so that you have energy. The reason that the dancers you see on TV are so skinny and in shape is because they have been dancing for years and for many hours a day, so they have lost fat and built muscle. You should wear a leotard, pink tights, and pink ballet slippers to class (wear tennis shoes over your tights or some other shoe and then put your slippers on there so you don't ruin them). It will be confusing at first because you won't know the terms or the steps, but that comes with practice. I would recommend making sure that you aren't thrown into a class with girls your age because it's tough starting out in a beginner class, let alone a more advanced class. See if they have teen beginner classes or can put you in a lower level. You should do ballet for a few years before you start pointe because it takes a LOT of ankle and foot strength (yes, your feet have muscles), technique, comfort with the movements and steps, and the ability to use your core muscles well. Your teacher will let you know when she thinks you're ready. I'm not sure what they'll tell you the first class, but just go in with confidence and be ready for a challenge! Have fun!
OMG YES U HAVE TO DO BALLET BE4 POINTE! it normally takes 5 years to get on pointe if u go to a good profesional school tht teaches correctly also u need to know tht it is strict and hard work and u should either be in shape or get in shape!

good luck

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